Understanding Mac version vs IOS version and using multiple versions

Community Member

My wife and I each and running our own copies of 1Password iOS version on our respective phones. If I was to purchase the stand alone Mac version - is there a way to toggle between each of our copies on the Mac? Or do we need to designate one user vs another user?


  • TheBigCountry
    Community Member

    should have said respective iPhones

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    Do you share a Mac with only one user account? If so, at least one of you will have access to all of your combined data. But if you have separate Mac's or set up a user account for each of you on that one Mac, you can each have your own separate data, just like you now do on your iPhones. If you buy your Mac license from Apple, you can each get a separate copy with one purchase, if you set up Family Sharing. If you buy from AgileBits directly, a single user license covers up to six family members in the same household.

    I suspect I haven't completely understood your question. Do you want to share everything between the two of you? That's also possible if you use the the Apple ID for iCloud and purchases from Apple. If you use Dropbox for syncing, you can share your data that way, either by sharing the Dropbox account or by sharing the data between two separate Dropbox accounts. You can't share data like that through iCloud, if you have separate Apple IDs.

    Finally, note that, if you do want iCloud for syncing, your license must come from the Mac App Store.

    Post back to let us know whether this helps or not. Ask more questions and describe in a little more detail what your goals are if it doesn't help.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @TheBigCountry,

    Like hawkmoth I think we need to understand your situation a little better, I'm wondering how much you're asking about licensing compared to vault management and I know there has been confusion here in the past with people believing licensing and vaults are linked (they're not, they're very independent).

    So to best answer your questions we'll need to know a little more about your setup.

    1. How many Macs or MacBooks do you have each?
    2. Do you have separate OS X user accounts if you share any of these Macs or is it a single user account shared by both of you?
    3. Do you want to share vaults or do you want to keep them separate? Is it a privacy thing at all where you don't know the Master Passwords for each other's vaults and you want to keep it that way?

    We've seen pretty much most combination of these at some point and we can come up with the solution that best fits yours once we know :smile:

  • TheBigCountry
    Community Member

    Sorry if I was unclear. We each have our own iPhone, each using 1password on those iPhones, each with our own user name and master password. in other words our passwords are separate. we each share a MacPro - on the same login.

    1. 1
    2. single user account
    3. keep them separate - yes, we don't know each others Master Passwords and wants to keep it that way. I'm basically wondering if you launch the 1Password App on the MacPro - if you can have two users on that - each of us seperat.e
  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @TheBigCountry,

    Thank you for confirming. It's one of these areas where if we make an assumption that turns out to be incorrect it can potentially cause you a lot of confusion or hassle so always best to avoid :smile:

    Unfortunately what you want to do is not possible with the current software. 1Password for Mac is single user like 1Password for iOS. We've gone down that route because Apple have made having multiple users on a Mac pretty easy (in contrast to iOS where the devices are simply single user). You could achieve what you want if you both happy to have your own OS X user accounts.

    1Password can certainly cope with multiple vaults but the current design is the Master Password for the primary vault unlocks all. Given you wish to keep your own Master Passwords that would remove that as an option.

    If you have any more questions do please ask!

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