Dropbox sync without Dropbox client

Community Member
edited March 2015 in Mac

Please, don't require me to install Dropbox to sync 1Password Vault, I don't want to have it on my machine (I already have Google Drive).

Please, use the Dropbox REST API directly via HTTP instead.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @SergeyK,

    I'll be honest, I can't see this happening I'm afraid. Certainly I'll pass your request on but I'm doubtful because I don't see what the gain would be in doing so. 1Password 3 for iOS lost the ability to sync to Dropbox due to API changes while because we rely on the Dropbox client on the Mac 1Password for Mac can still do so as it's just syncing to the file system.

    Can I ask, why the reluctance with the Dropbox client?

  • SergeyK
    Community Member

    Just using already Google Drive and OneDrive, third sync client would be so much.

    Another question:
    There're so much hassle with all those cloud storage providers/ APIs etc.
    Why wouldn't you just rollover your own could storage (like LastPass does)?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @SergeyK,

    Thank you for your feedback about that! We do receive a lot of requests to add support for other cloud sync services, and our developers have certainly been exploring options. It's a little more complicated than it may seem, but hopefully we'll have more options for you in the future.

    I wanted to mention that if you only need to sync your 1Password data between multiple Macs, or between Macs and Windows PCs, you can use the Folder Sync option, and sync your 1Password keychain between computers using one of the other sync services. If you also need to sync with 1Password on iOS devices, you can do that with Wi-Fi Sync.

    There're so much hassle with all those cloud storage providers/ APIs etc.
    Why wouldn't you just rollover your own could storage (like LastPass does)?

    This has also been requested by other customers, and I'll be happy to let our developers know you're also interested in that. If we ever do something like that, my guess is that it would be an additional sync option, not a replacement for the others.

    If you need anything else, please let us know!

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