Master Password Across Devices
I use 1Password on 2 Macs and an iPhone. I sync via iCloud.
I've noticed that when I change the Master Password on my main Mac it does not sync to the other devices.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this simply the way the app works?
Thanks in advance for your response.
Hi @Bosdon,
I'm sorry changes to your master password aren't syncing to all your devices! Just to make sure, have you tried entering the new master password on your other Mac and iPhone? If you've only been entering the old master password, please try unlocking it with the new one, and it should work (and then the old one should stop working).
If the new master password isn't accepted on the other devices, can you confirm if the sync is working in general? For example, if you add a new item (like a Secure Note or Login item) to 1Password on one device, does it sync to the others? If not, it sounds like there's a problem with the sync in general.
There used to be an issue with iCloud sync where a change to the master password didn't sync to iCloud or the other devices, but that was fixed in the latest versions of 1Password for Mac and iOS. If other changes are syncing correctly, but not a new master password, please let us know the following:
- What exact version of 1Password is installed on each Mac? (From the main 1Password app, go to the menu for 1Password > About 1Password)
- What exact version of 1Password is installed on your iPhone? (From the 1Password app, go to Settings and find the version number right below the Recommend 1Password option)