Can somebody explain what the "website" field in a logon means?
Hi @turnstyle,
Some websites have several different site entrances, so the URL (web address) will vary depending upon where you enter (either directly or indirectly through a redirection from the site). The Website fields in your Login entries allow you to add additional URLs that should be used to trigger the filling in of the Username and Password.
So, if you enter the site through Open and Fill, and the site redirects you to another entrance (but does not fill upon redirection), it might be helpful to add the base URL to your list of Websites in the Login entry.
Makes sense?
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Sorry, I seem a bit cloudy -- can you possibly give an example where the site "should" have two "website" entries, but you only have one -- and then your login fails?
Is this explained in the docs anywhere?
And thanks!
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It really depends on your sites and whether or not you encounter an issue. It also depends on whether or not the site's admins change their web URLs or add new pages, etc. Here's a post that shows two different entrances to log into Apple's iCloud or Apple ID management:
Both entrances want the same username and password. Perhaps the user created the first one at some point in time, but later discovered other entrances did not fill the username and data.
Here are some more discussions:
When you Open and Fill, or use ⌘-\ to enter the username and password, and the values don't fill, take a look at the URL in the browser, and compare this to the value you have in your Login entry's Website field - if they are appreciably different, then you can add the new one, and test again that filling works.
I'm not sure where this is specifically mentioned in the documentation, but see also:
1Password for Mac Guide
Mac 1Password 5 Knowledgebase
1Password Support0 -
Thanks -- so it isn't matching for autofill by domain, but rather by specific URLs? Somehow it seemed like it was by domain, but I'm a n00b...
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See Lenient URL matching.
Note: I added another reference above about the time you posted - the 1Password for Mac Guide link.
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Thanks again -- thing is, I see multiple website entries for sites I've only used on page on -- I think I just need to "kick the wheels" by temporarily removing seemingly unnecessary website entries, and see if anything breaks.
Thanks again for chiming in.
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Hi @turnstyle,
If you have multiple website fields and the URL is identical in two or more than it's probably connected to a bug that did exist for a while. Thankfully, while slightly annoying, it didn't actually cause any harm. If you have this you're free to delete the duplicate fields but just so you're aware, if you normally save Login items using 1Password mini and the extension (either a manual save or when 1Password asks if you would like to save a Login) these look at the URLs currently in use by the page and depending on how the site is designed that can mean multiple URLs are detected. That can mean multiple website fields but in those instances each URL should differ.
If you have any more questions please do ask :smile: