User Library two Folders - why?

Community Member

I use 1Password5 under OsX 10.10.2 .
In the folder User/Library/Applicationsupport are two folders: 1Password and 1Password 4.

Obviously, in both folders information is stored . In both backup folders locate current files . In the 1Password/backup-folder there are files with the extension .1p4_zip . In the 1Password4/backup-folder there are files with the extension ._agilekeychain_zip.
Obviously some messed up here ... I 'm worried about password security.
Do I need both folders 1Password and 1Password 4?
If I use 1Password5 why is there no folder 1Password 5?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @thb,

    The ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/ folder is the remnants of when you were a 1Password 3 user. If you no longer run 1Password 3 at all then you're free to remove that folder.

    The ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/ is where not just 1Password 4 stores its support file but also 1Password 5 so you want to leave this.

    When we released 1Password 4 it was a complete rewrite and there were significant changes in the support files. It made sense to store them elsewhere as there may be reasons why you wanted to or needed to run both 1Password 3 and 1Password 4 on the same system. With 1Password 5 though it uses the exact same set of support files as 1Password 4 and in fact you can jump between the two seamlessly although we don't recommend having both on your system at the same time. We could have created a 1Password 5 folder but it wasn't imperative at the time and so we had our developers focus on what we deemed were more important aspects.

    As far as the backups go, both sets of backups are just zip files and can be unzipped if you change the extension so OS X recognises it. The old 1Password 3 backups are a backup of your .agilekeychain while the 1Password 4 backups are a backup of the .sqlite database file we locally store your vaults in. If you want to keep the old 1Password 3 backups you're free to do so and if you want you can move them to 1Password 4 backup location. 1Password 4/5 won't do anything with them but you can access them if required.

    I hope that helps clarify everything but if it doesn't or if you have any follow up questions do please ask :smile:

  • thb
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply , but some I do not understand . You told me that I can remove the ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/Folder. But inside there are some files and other folder you don't find in the ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/. For exampel ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/Extensions. There are two folders with firefox extensions. But I need the firefox extension. There are also other folders that I 'm not sure. Please tell me what I can remove and what not. What about the file ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain ?
    look at the pictures ...

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @thb,

    Everything that 1Password 4 needs to work, in terms of data files etc. is stored in the 1Password 4 folder. The only connection between the two is if Folder Sync is enabled and syncing with that 1Password.agilekeychain. This itself though isn't required if you're only running 1Password 4/5, it's only use is if you are running 1Password 3 and 1Password 4/5 in parallel and need to keep the .agilekeychain 1Password 3 uses synchronised with 1Password 4/5. If you don't use 1Password 3 any more though this syncing is essentially a redundant operation.

    What I said before holds true regarding all the sub-folders. Those extensions are specifically just copies (when installed, a copy of the extension has to be present in the browsers support files - it's the only way it will work) and they are just for 1Password 3. 1Password 4 is a very different program and uses the extensions that are always available from our site, specifically at

    If you don't run and don't have the 1Password 3 application then you can simply delete ~/Library/Application Support/1Password. If you were syncing to that .agilekeychain then when you next launch 1Password 4 it would complain and offer you two options, ignore and fix. Clicking on fix would take you to the sync tab in preferences and your vault would show as not syncing. Unless you specifically want to then initiate syncing elsewhere you can leave the preferences and everything will be as it was.

    Does that help?

  • thb
    Community Member

    :) Now I understand ... thank you!

  • On behalf of littlebobbytables, you're welcome. Please let us know if you have any other questions! :)

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