
Community Member

I am still adding more things to 1password, lots of forum memberships. I know that technically a forum is a login process. I am looking at the little helper menu and I am seeing that the login Items are sorting alphabetically which jumbles them together. I would prefer to see a separation between my "accounts" logins and my "non-accounts" or forums logins.

Example of Accounts Login: (Places I might spend or manage money) Comcast, T-Mobile, Banks, Amazon, NewEgg, etc.
Example of Non-account login, this forum and any other forum I log into.

Is It just me or might this be a good idea? Or, did I miss this feature and others use membership or some other way of doing this? An alternative method would be a way to sort the menu Items with placeholder separator lines - putting 1, 2 etc in front of each title is not that attractive and a hassle.



  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @levelbest,

    You might want to think of a "login" as a combination of the three items: a location (often a URL), a username (often an email address, or other identifier), a secret (a password or pin, or ...). Since this forum requires all three (you need the URL to get here, and you need a username and password to login to post), it really is a login account, and you really do have "an account", which is not any different than your bank account's web login, or logging into some software service where you only provide the username and password (the location is built-into the software, and you don't think about this portion).

    In other words, think in terms of How Do I Connect to the Service? (e.g. website, phone call, in person) instead of Where Do I Spend Money? And think in terms of how 1Password helps you validate yourself to that server (e.g. Open and Fill or ⌘-\ if you are already on the login page of a website.

    Does that make sense?

    There are other ways to group items - check out Folders and Tags.

  • levelbest
    Community Member
    edited March 2015

    Um yes, of course. That was not my point. I was interested in differentiating for organizational purposes alone. The link was helpful, thank you. Unfortunately It only applies to the full app. I was really thinking It would be better if I could order the helper menu.

    Here is an example, with Keyboard Maestro, a lovely macro program for the Mac, I can put in digits and a right paren and a dash and all It will do is affect the sorting of the menu Items. The menu Items will not be preceded by "01)" at all. That means I could put "01)Comcast" and "Comcast" would display at the top of the helper menu (in 1pwds case), Anything else I preceded with "01)" would sort alphabetically below the other "01) Items. For example, "01)T-Mobile" would be below "01)Comcast" in the helper menu (if 1pwd used this system). Then I could use "01)-" with no text after the dash and It sorts to the top of that section and draws a clean horizontal grey line across the menu at that point.

    If I were to do It this way, my banks and financial instantiations would be
    "01)USAA", "01)Wells Fargo,"etc, and "01)-" followed by
    "02)Comcast", "02)T-Mobile", etc. and "02)-" followed by
    "03)Facebook", "03)AgilBits", etc. and "03)-" etc.

    All the helper menu Items would sort with light grey lines separating the groups and not numbers or added bits showing.

    I hope this clarifies things a bit?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Add Tags to your items, such as Financial or Banks, Forum Accounts, etc. Then, they will be sorted and grouped as you want under 1Password mini, under Tags:

  • levelbest
    Community Member

    Ah yes, I see. Same with Smart folders. Thanks (even though I sill like the Keyboard Maestro example) you have definitely given me a good user option.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @levelbest: Smart Folders and Tags can be incredibly useful. Sometimes the hardest part is just thinking of a concrete use for them! ;)

    Tags, in general, are good for grouping things in 1Password without actually changing their category or data, sort of like labeling your music with artist and album information.

    Smart Folders, on the other hand, are like a saved search. where you provide the criteria and

    A solid example I always use is this tip: Using Tags to track personal information given to websites. I actually have tags for specific cards, so I don't have to go through every account that has some card attached to it when only one of them has changed.

    Anyway, I am glad to see you've gotten some good advice here already. I just wanted to chime in to offer some additional thoughts, and let you know that the door is always open if you have any other questions! :)

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