A lot of passwords disappeared after upgrading to Yosemite and upgrading to new version of 1Password
The keys are synced via Dropbox. Many passwords disappeared after migration to Yosemite, upgrading new version of 1Password 5.3 and synchronization with Dropbox.
How can I fix it? Backup 1Password keys before migration have not been made.
Can I see the number of entries in the keychain, so as not to connect to the app all keychains?
Hello @vgalax,
Thanks for taking the time to write to us today. Let's see if we can help you find those missing passwords.
If you've been syncing with Dropbox, and you didn't delete anything manually, your vault and your login items should still be there somewhere. Updating OS X and 1Password should have no effect on data stored in Dropbox.
In Dropbox, your primary vault will be called "1Password.agilekeychain." If you've created other vaults there, they will also be .agilekeychain files. Do you have more than one? It sounds like you may just be looking at a different vault than you expected. If you set your primary vault to sync with 1Password.agilekeychain, does that restore the logins you are missing?