AirMac, iMac, iphone6, ipad2 need to sync on wifi

Community Member

We will be away from internet access for a few months, wifi access only. iMac will be staying at home but AirMac, iphone6+ and ipadAir2 will be with me. I have synced Airmac,iphone6 and iPadAir2 over wifi for first time today. But that leaves the older iMac out in the cold.
I would like to sync them all while we are home before and after trip. I did see that you can only sync 1 Mac with associated devices before switching from Dropbox Sync to Wifi Sync but was having so much trouble with Dropbox sync (it just kept on syncing forever and using up enormous amounts of space and data used 75 GB and I had to add to it and then it exceeded that so I gave up and removed Dropbox until I/someone can figure out what to do...Selective Sync did not seem to work). I did not set up iDrive and do not plan to for awhile.

iMac and AirMac using 10.10.3, 1Password 5.3
Iphone6+ and iPadAir using 8.3, 1Password 5.3
Dropbox 3.4.3

If I use TimeMachine, will it back up 1Password in such a way I could reinstall 1Password it necessary? If the file containing all the passwords, etc is lost or destroyed...can the passwords be regenerated online. It would be a disaster to lose these passwords at this point as I do not know any of them any more. Used Dropbox to sync for last couple of years.

I am not an advanced user of any of these programs so please dumb it down where possible. My head is spinning between Dropbox and 1Password, both worked great and now not so much.

Thanks, K


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kamldp65,

    We're sorry to hear Dropbox has thrown a fit and gone a bit crazy on you. If it goes wrong it can be a pain to reign it in, especially if you have a lot of files. Hopefully the people over at Dropbox can help you tame it.

    So first of all, Time Machine will backup all of 1Password's support files in the Library folder so restoring a Time Machine backup would restore 1Password.

    As for syncing between your iMac and AirMac. Until Dropbox becomes reliable how do you feel about using Folder Sync with a pen drive in what is typically referred to as sneakernet? Folder Sync is easiest to use when combined with a pen or flash drive and you can carry it between the two. Yes, it is a fairly manual process in that you have to remember to swap a pen drive between the two machines every so often but it's the least error-prone approach to Folder Sync.

    Let us know what you think and we can answer any follow up questions or try to offer other solutions :smile:

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