1Password (Home) and 1Password5 (Work) Expired!?!

Community Member

This should not be so difficult.

I purchased 1Password from my home computer from my App Store account, and for obvious reasons Work does not allow personal apple ID's and thus App Store accounts. Nor do they allow us to have the login to their corporate account which is bound to a credit card (even if they did, it still would be a separate account). I do have admin rights on my machine to install, update and remove software, so I downloaded directly from agile bits and begrudgingly set up dropbox sync versus iCloud. Why do I get a trial expired message at work!?!?!

I have found the email I received from iTunes for the purchase. Why is there no way to key in the relevant info so that both instances work seamlessly? What's up with the "no license file/license file" situation. It just seems like this weird situation is revolving around the differing authentication protocols.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @J1Whitmore,

    You've nailed it, it is around the different authentication protocols. All software distributed via Apple's Mac App Store (MAS) has to use their authentication system which as you already know is tied to your Apple ID. For those that purchase via our Agile Web Store (AWS) we use a licence file to authenticate the customer for two reasons a) we sold 1Password prior to MAS existing so used one of the standard licensing approaches already out there and b) Apple don't share anything about their system or their customers.

    So we never knew you were a customer until you posted. I believe Apple doesn't supply anything more than the number of units sold. It means there isn't an approach that will allow you to use some part of your Apple receipt to seamlessly licence the AWS version you have on your work Mac.

    What I recommend doing is emailing us at support+licenses@agilebits.com with a copy of your Apple receipt for 1Password and we'll help you out :smile: A quick explanation or a link to this thread will be enough for whoever answers to understand and know how to proceed.

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