Is there a way to share login credentials with someone without letting them see my password?

Community Member

I want to give access of something to a friend without showing the password. Is that possible on iOS or Windows? Lastpass has this function, just wondering if 1password does.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shine4,

    To make sure I understand, do you mean you want your friend to be able to log into a certain website using your login credentials for that site, but you don't want them to know the password they would be using to sign into that site?

    If so, there's no option for something like that in 1Password. The iOS and Mac versions have an option to share a Login item with someone else via email or text message (they would need to have a copy of 1Password for iOS or Mac to use it), but that would be a copy of your Login item, so they would be able to see the password.

    If I misunderstood your question, please elaborate on what you'd like to do. Thanks!

  • shine4
    Community Member

    I should have explained it better. Yes, that is exactly what I mean. Thank you for clearing this up!

  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @shine4,

    If you wanted to give your friend access just once or temporarily, you could change the password to something new and share that password with them, then change it back when they're done. Maybe you already thought of that, but that's the best workaround I can think of without knowing your specific use case.

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