Migrating from older version of 1PW on my old mac to 1Passsword 5 on my new mac.

Community Member

I just got a new mac and would like to migrate my 1password data from my old mac, but am running an older version of 1P (v.3) and I just downloaded 1p v5 on the new mac. I exported a backup and tried to restore from that on the new mac, but it didnt work. What should I do?

Also, what is my most efficient way to upgrade my license to be able to use the new 1PW since I'm already a user? Are there any discounts available through an upgrade flow vs purchasing a brand new license?



  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    As long as you buy from AgileBits store there is a discount available for an upgrade.

    There is no discount if you buy through Apple's App Store (this is Apple's policy). If you want iCloud sync you need the App Store version, otherwise there is no need.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ms,

    danco is correct, you can obtain an upgrade price in our store and you'll be asked for your existing licence key.

    Now to help you move from your old Mac to your new one. If you don't sync your .agilekeychain using Dropbox then it will probably be in its default location which for 1Password 3 is ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/. If you were to copy that entire folder from your old Mac to your new one then when you start up 1Password 5 for the first time it would look, find it and migrate your 1Password 3 vault into the new vault format.

    If you don't want to do that then you can still use the backup file you've already copied over, just not in it's current form. The backup from 1Password 3 ends in .agilekeychain_zip and it actually is a zip file. If you were to alter the extension from .agilekeychain_zip to .agilekeychain.zip, OS X will first ask if you really want to do this (click Add) and then recognise it as a zip file. Double clicking on it would expand the archive. You should find a .agilekeychain item exists. Using our page, Finding existing 1Password data during setup as a reference, if you select the This Mac option and then point 1Password 5 to the .agilekeychain it will import the contents.

    If you have any questions arising from any of this please do ask :smile:

  • ms
    Community Member

    Thanks both!

    @littlebobbytables, very helpful explanation, thank you!

    I've followed your directions wrt to using the backup file that I copied over, however I'm unsure if this file (and its current location) will continue to be referenced by the 1PW application or if 1PW simply imported the information and re-wrote it to a new file in a new location? In other words, can I delete the file since it's been imported already or is it being used as the directory for 1PW on my new comp?

    If the latter, where is the most appropriate place to store this (currently, it's sitting in my downloads folder).

    Many thanks!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ms,

    What we did so far would have set up syncing and that does mean that 1Password is referencing the file in that location. Saying that, as of 1Password 4 we handle things quite differently.

    In 1Password 3 the .agilekeychain was your vault and wherever your .agilekeychain was on your machine was the location your vault was stored.

    This all changed in 1Password 4 and we now always store your vault locally in an encrypted .sqlite database file. The exact location is dependent on whether you are running our Agile Web Store (AWS) version or the Apple Mac App Store (MAS) one. Now we still use the .agilekeychain though for syncing and this allows us to still sync with 1Password 3. The location of the .agilekeychain though is independent of the .sqlite database file.

    Personally what I would recommend is now that you've got your vault imported that we disable sync and you can safely delete the .agilekeychain in your Downloads folder. If you want to use sync going forward you're free to do so but for it to be the most effective it probably won't be Folder Sync in your Downloads folder.

    To disable sync launch 1Password and enter the preferences. Switch to the Sync tab.It should say something like Sync Primary vault with ** and then a menu that likely says **Folder. Change that Folder option to None and if you like you can tick the checkbox titled Delete data from. That will disable sync and delete the .agilekeychain at the same time.

    Now none of that will affect your local copy of your vault and as I say, if you would then like to sync your vault to other machines or devices you can consider using Dropbox. You don't have to sync of course if there is no need but we would always recommend backing up your computer so you know you have a safety net.

    Does that help at all?

    If you do like the idea of syncing and have questions please do ask :smile: A starting point would probably be our Syncing your 1Password data page that covers the various options but we're here to answer any questions you have too :smile:

  • ms
    Community Member

    Thanks @littlebobbytables ,

    Thats very helpful! I am currently synching to my iPhone over wifi. Would that be a suitable backup if something happened with my computer?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I am currently synching to my iPhone over wifi. Would that be a suitable backup if something happened with my computer?

    I'm not @littlebobbytables but hope you don't mind if I give my own view. :)

    I don't regard my copies of my 1P vault on my iPhone and iPad as backups of my 1P data on my computer—even though I'm using wifi sync like you. There are two reasons for that, in my mind:

    1. It's always possible that something could go wrong with the wifi sync and I end up with an incomplete set of data on my iOS devices. (I almost invariably make all changes to 1P data on my Mac, as opposed to on my iOS devices.)
    2. The main reason is that I think you can't really have too many safety nets when it comes to something as important as your 1P data. My MacBook is thus backed up regularly using both Time Machine and Carbon Copy Cloner—and those are the key backups on which I depend.

    It is reassuring to have copies of your 1P data on your iOS devices—but it's even more reassuring to have backups of your Mac. :)


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ms,

    I'm not sure I can say it much better than Stephen already has! While having a copy of your data synced to other devices protects against the loss of one device and a myriad of other potential issues, it doesn't really replace a good backup system. This is certainly a case of "you can never be too careful." :)

    Please let us know if you have any further questions!

  • ms
    Community Member

    Thanks @Stephen_C and @Megan.

    I take your point on the importance of backing up in general. I also use time machine, so shouldn't be any issues there.

    Specifically, I'm wondering if an iOS device that has been synched with 1PW on my mac could technically be used to "seed" a new desktop version of 1PW in the case that something happens to my mac.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Yes, you could in effect start over on the Mac (or start with a new one), set up sync and sync your 1P data from your iOS device.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ms,

    Once again, Stephen's answer is spot on. As long as you have a good copy of data on your iOS device, we can get that data synced across to your Mac.

    I hope this answers your question, but we're happy to help if you have any further concerns. :)

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