String (username) pasted into sign-in field rejected as invalid
Thanks for your help in the past via the reviews section.
There are one or two similar help requests posted in the user forums here, but mine seems a little bit different.
Using the 1Password browser extension 4.3.1 in Safari Version 8.0.5 (10600.5.17) on OS X 10.10.4 beta, on a financial website I get an "Invalid Username" message when I try to access my account. This happens whether I use the 1Password 5.3.1 app directly or via the extension. It also happens if I copy and paste from the 1Password database entry for this particular site.
The site uses a two step sign-in. Step one, enter a user-specific, unique, multi-digit ID. Step two on a new form, enter multiple random digits from another unique user-generated sequence of numbers. This has worked previously with 1Password on Mac and iOS for this site even when they operated a a 3-stage verification process with Step 3 consisting of a block of digits from a user's personal phone number.
I wondered can the site detect a "paste" rather than an entry where individual keys are pressed one at a time?
Any other reports like this or any possible solution. This is not a game-breaker by any means, just odd that this should start now having worked previously?
I hope my description is clear enough.
Thanks, mathepac.
Hi @mathepac,
I'm sorry you're having trouble filling your login info on that site! Financial sites can be quite tricky sometimes, as they deliberately make it difficult for password managers to enter data accurately. But there are certainly some things we can try.
I get an "Invalid Username" message when I try to access my account. This happens whether I use the 1Password 5.3.1 app directly or via the extension. It also happens if I copy and paste from the 1Password database entry for this particular site.
Does it work correctly if you manually type your username on that site? You didn't specifically mention it, and I'm guessing that works, but I wanted to make sure. Assuming it accepts the username when you type it yourself, have you checked to make sure the exact same username is in your Login item for that site?
The site uses a two step sign-in. Step one, enter a user-specific, unique, multi-digit ID.
Is this the "username" you're having trouble filling? Or is that a different step of the site's sign-in process?
Step two on a new form, enter multiple random digits from another unique user-generated sequence of numbers.
Is there a step of the sign-in process that asks for your password, or just this step which asks for random digits from a certain number sequence?
Now, as far as some things to try: for a multi-page login process like that, please try creating a new Login item by following the steps in this knowledgebase article. If that doesn't help, would you be able to let us know which site you're having trouble with?