lost data is there a way to recover?
Hello -
I recently had to get a new Iphone (Going from 5s to 6s) for work and I thought I had been saving all my passwords and information on the icloud but when I went to the icloud there wasn't any data. Is there a way to recover this? My IT guy wiped my old phone but we tried to restore from itunes b/c I had backed up the morning before I got my new phone but 1password was the only app that didn't restore to normal function. Please help, I had 85 passwords and files that I need.
1Password Version: 5.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Data wasn't backed up, any way to recover?
@kwaz29: (Un)fortunately AgileBits has neither your 1Password data nor the Master Password used to secure it, so this isn't something we can 'recover' for you to help directly. And the iTunes/iCloud backup and restore process is not always reliable. That's why we include a backup and restore feature in 1Password itself.
Have you saved a backup of your 1Password data previously, or sync'd it to another device? If so, that may be your best bet. Otherwise, you can try restoring from iTunes again. It may be that the restore was simply unsuccessful the first time, as is often the case. Please let me know how it turns out! :)