Starred items and primary vault items are not prioritized for auto-fill, how do I fix this.
I have many vaults, and many logins for certain sites. I would like to have starred/favorite logins for those sites be the default login for that site, and if there are either no favorite/starred logins, or multiple favorite/starred logins, then have the default be the one (or at least one from) the primary vault. Now apparently the order appears to be "most recent, from most recently added vault". This is never right, and sometimes my starred/favorite items aren't even in the displayed list of choices, and I have to scroll or mouse down to the "show xxx more" option.
This problem has been present since version 5, and I was told in a previous support issue that this would be addressed soon.
1Password Version: 6.2-beta9
Extension Version: 4.5.5b3
OS Version: 10.11.4
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:how to adjust which entry is used for auto fill
@extensioncord: Sorry for the confusion! What you're describing is domain matching. The logins you're offered for a given site are a best match based on the URL. So if you'd like a particular login to be offered for a site, be sure to change the first URL to match where you're trying to use it. You can, of course, have additional URLs as well so 1Password will offer it in those places too. Without knowing specifically what you're talking about I can only generalize though, so knowing the URLs in particular may help.
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Thanks for helping to clarify the situation. The specifics are about Cisco Meraki, Chase and several other sites that seem to have multiple login URLs (,,,,, etc.) depending on how you enter the site, and what login/logout activity proceeded the current visit. I'll try adding more URLs to the priority logins to make this work.
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Hi @extensioncord,
Thanks for clarifying! Those sites can be tricky (it's often the banks that give password managers special grief.) However, I have a trick that might make your life a lot simpler.
It sounds to me like you're heading to the site and then using ⌘\ ( Command- \ ) to fill your details. Did you know that 1Password can actually open that page for you? Try this:
- With a web browser in focus, use ⌘⌥\ ( Command-Option- \ ) to open 1Password mini
- The search field is automatically active, so just start typing the name of the item you wish to use ("Chase bank", for example)
- Once your "Chase bank" entry is highlighted in the mini's menu, just hit 'Enter'
- 1Password will open the page and fill your details for you.
Using this method for opening webpages that you wish to log into will save you from having to add all sorts of different URLs to those Login items. And it means you'll never have to type that URL into your web browser either.
I hope this helps!
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The occasions are often that I am logging out of one account and logging in to another, but I do take your suggestion well. However, there are numerous sites where this doesn't work, where the login is hidden in a drop down from a button, like GoDaddy.
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Hi @extensioncord,
Thanks for letting me know a little bit more about your workflow. You're right, there are a few cases where Go-and-Fill (the steps I described earlier) don't quite work perfectly. It won't, for example, help you if you're logging out and right back in.
where the login is hidden in a drop down from a button, like GoDaddy.
I don't know about GoDaddy specifically, but some of those sites that use a dropdown also have an alternate sign-in on a proper page. If you're able to find one of those, it can make your filling life a lot simpler. :)
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I don't know if this is an appropriate place for this comment, but I'm surprised that starred logins aren't at least prioritized for display when there are multiple matches for the current domain. If a domain has three matches and one is a favorite, I don't think it's right that the non-favorite is displayed and I have to click to show more.
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I agree, but at least there is the workaround to add the URL to the login item so that it will show up in the desired order.
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Hi @oleonard,
Favorites (starred items) are displayed at the top of the list of matching items, as long as the URL matches that of the site you're on. And if you have multiple Favorites for a certain URL, they're displayed in the same order as your Favorites list in the app, which you can reorder as desired.
If you're seeing different behavior, please let us know, and include a screenshot if you can (without revealing sensitive or personal information, as this is a public forum) so we can see what's going on. Thanks!
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Yes, I understand the existing behavior, but you are misunderstanding the desire. We want favoriting to trump strict URL matching. If a login is displayed in the list because it matches the URL, it should be at the top if it is favorited, even if there is another login that more exactly matches the current URL. There are sites that change their login URL, or for which there are many login contexts and associated URLs, and manually adding all of the context URLs, or updating every favorite login to include ALL relevant URLs is too laborious. I have one primary login for Google, and > 200 other logins for various Google functions from various vaults. I want my primary to ALWAYS be on top for ALL URLs, no matter which one I'm at. This is NOT happening, despite having as the URL for my favorite Google login. Then there are sites that display multiple URLs for the exact same context ( or for their login due to load or region balancing. Making sure that all possible variations of the URL are part of my favorite for this site is not practical.
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@extensioncord: It's something we can consider in the future, but ultimately not everyone would be happy with the change you're requesting so it isn't something we'd do lightly — and we also don't want to add a checkbox to 1Password every time someone requests a new bahaviour. It's a tough call. Keep in mind that while you want an inexact-match Favorite to be prioritized, others expect — and depend on — the exact match being so. It sounds like it would absolutely help your specific workflow to have this work differently, but we have to consider other users' wishes as well. Thanks for taking the time to share your perspective! :)
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I can see why either mode would be desirable, and I do understand the complexities introduced when adding optional modalities. I will be more careful in creating logins in the future, and edit the hundreds of problematic logins to accommodate the current behavior.
It's frustrating to me that most of the time the wrong login is presented to me, despite efforts to change that behavior. My situation is more complex than average I supposed, and conditions that are a result of using the product for so long (e.g. default auto-submit, former login URLs that have change or now hide the login form until a button is clicked).
Is there a way to edit the attributes of multiple logins at once (e.g. turn off auto-submit, add a URL)?
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Hi @extensioncord,
My situation is more complex than average I supposed, and conditions that are a result of using the product for so long (e.g. default auto-submit, former login URLs that have change or now hide the login form until a button is clicked).
Alas, a well-used 1Password vault, like any other useful tool, may require a little maintenance from time to time to keep in good working order.
Is there a way to edit the attributes of multiple logins at once (e.g. turn off auto-submit, add a URL)?
Not in the app itself. Depending on how many items you'd need to change URLs for, you could export to CSV, do a find/replace in the CSV file to edit the URLs, and then import back. But that might create unwanted duplicates.
I'd suggest you just update them as you go: when you find one that doesn't work as well anymore, update it right then and there. The easiest way to do this is usually to follow the steps to save the Login manually through the 1Password extension menu, selecting "update existing" rather than "create new."
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Thanks for the continued thoughtful discussion. Unfortunately, it's not a little maintenance to clean up these URLs. It's a tedious and large project. I have over 200 Apple logins. Over 400 Google logins, nearly 100 Meraki logins, nearly 100 Squarespace logins, and many others sites with dozens. All of these sites have changed their login URL (or have multiple login URLS) over the years that I have accumulated these logins. If there were some way to prioritize a login over strict URL matching, that would a one less time consuming solution. Being able to edit multiple logins to add to or replace their URLs would be another.
I'll experiment with using the manual save to modify them in the moment. Can you use Command-\ then Command-N to do this?
Is there a way to have new logins NOT have "submit when enabled" as the default mode, or change this when creating a login, rather than have to edit it after the fact, and most importantly, disable it for a group of logins, rather than all or none?
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Hi @extensioncord,
It sure is easy to collect a lot of Logins these days, and you're right, it's a bit frustrating when these sites change their sign-in process in some way. As a long-time 1Password user, I'm so used to having things "just work" that it's a bit annoying when I have to go in and edit an item because the website changed.
If there were some way to prioritize a login over strict URL matching,
In 1Password's Preferences > Browser, you can select "Allow filling on pages that closely match saved websites" to give you a more flexible matching scheme.
Is there a way to have new logins NOT have "submit when enabled" as the default mode, or change this when creating a login,
There certainly is! In 1Password's Preferences > Browser, you can uncheck the "Automatically sign in after filling usernames and passwords" option.
I hope this helps!
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Thanks for these tips, but they aren't relevant. I am currently being presented with matching logins, it's the order that I'm trying to adjust. The "...closely match..." option only changes whether a login is shown or not. I have one that I use 50% of the time, and it is often presented much lower in the list than I would like.
I could disable "Automatically sign in...", but then it won't auto submit for sites I want it to. Currently when a login is created, the Login value for the Submit field is "Submit when enabled", and there is no way to adjust the default for creating new logins. I would like new logins to be created with "Never submit", and I can turn on Auto-submit for select logins. I like the feature, I just want it to happen for logins that are mine, and not my clients.
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Hi @extensioncord,
I like the feature, I just want it to happen for logins that are mine, and not my clients.
I think I'm starting to understand your frustration here, and I might have an alternate solution for you. If you're managing multiple client information in 1Password, I can certainly see how you would have a LOT of items for various sites.
Have you considered multiple vaults? Now, Multiple Vaults will not have separate 'submit' settings for Login items, but there are a few ways that they could make your life simpler. Without knowing your current configuration of 1Password (or your workflow) this is a bit of a guess, but I hope it can at least start us on the road to a solution.
There are two ways that this could be organized:
- Personal data in your Primary vault, and all client data in a 'client' vault.
- Personal data in your Primary vault, and each client gets their very own client vault.
The key here is customizing All Vaults to ensure that your personal information is visible there, but client information must be accessed separately. You can customize All Vaults in 1Password's Preferences > All Vaults. Just check the vaults that you want to see, and leave out the ones you don't.
What this will allow you to do is minimize that list of available Logins for each of these sites. You won't have to prioritize between your personal information and your clients'. Switching between vaults is simple as well - you can click on the 1Password icon in mini and select the vault that you wish to use.
I know that this might not be the solution you were looking for when you started this thread, but it's something we can do with the app that exists right now to hopefully make your life a bit smoother. Please let me know what you think!
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Thanks again for all of these helpful suggestions. I am no longer looking for a solution or workaround in the existing product. I am looking for improved behavior or increased control over behavior, which is probably a feature request.
I do have client vaults and work/personal vaults, and yes, I could institute constraint on presentation this way. I have ~60 different clients I manage some web services for, and some of them have multiple accounts each for those services. Having a separate vault for each of them would not make the choosing easier, and would create a different management problem. Sometimes one client is very active for a particular service, even more than my personal use of that service. Having a way to dynamically prioritize a particular login would be ideal.
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Hi @extensioncord,
Thanks for the further insight into your 1Password set up! I will be happy to pass along your suggestion to our development team. :)