Extension for Epic Browser.

Community Member

Hello dear Agilebits team,

I am thinking about making "Epic Browser" my default browser, and it would be nice if I could use 1Password extension there.
I found an old thread in this forum, saying that for Epic Browser the extension made for Chrome Browser would do. However, it seems that this method doesn't work anymore.

Would it be possible to get instructions, or a solution?

Have a nice day,

1Password Version: 6.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.4
Sync Type: iCloud


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @olyroad,

    I'm not sure which old thread you found but the following is from Epic's own FAQ.

    Why does Epic block Addons or Extensions?

    Addons or browser extensions are dangerous in terms of your privacy. Browser addons and toolbars for Firefox, Chrome and other browsers can and many do send virtually all your browsing through their servers and even more personal data. Addons can access just about everything you type and do in the browser. While they can be very useful, they represent a very large privacy risk hence Epic blocks them.

    Based on this I don't believe there will be a way to install the 1Password Chromium extension. It may be this old thread referred to an older version of the Epic Browser, it's hard to say. I don't this particular browser so my knowledge is what I've read from their own FAQ.

  • olyroad
    Community Member

    I had read this article https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/17776/browser-support-wanted-for-epic-privacy-browser
    It's quite old.
    But thanks for this reply, I guess it's not possible then.

    However, based on your answer and the text you quoted, is 1Password extension, that is already installed on my Firefox, dangerous in terms of my privacy?

    Thanks for your support and answers.

  • Hi @olyroad,

    Epic blocks extensions based on what an extension could do. A browser extension could theoretically take information from a web page and upload it to another page. 1Password never does this. The 1Password basically does the following:

    1. When you load a web page, it tells 1Password what page you are visiting so 1Password can look up the login item for that web page.
    2. When you press the Command \ keyboard shortcut or select a login item from the extension menu, 1Password tells the browser to fill the username and password into the form on the web page that it just looked up.
    3. When you submit a login form, the extension notifies 1Password to ask you if you wish to save that login in 1Password, if you haven't already.

    That's it. It never sends any information over the network; it only communicates with the 1Password app on your system. If you have any further questions, please let us know.


  • olyroad
    Community Member

    Hello @ag_kevin

    Thanks for this enlightening information.


  • Glad to help!


This discussion has been closed.