link duplicate password entries

Community Member

Hi, is it possible to to have a linked reference when a password entry is purposely duplicated across vaults? E.g. If anything changes in one entry, it gets syned to the duplicate entry too, that way they don't get out of sync and are updated with any changes.

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: Version 6.3.BETA-4 (630004)
OS Version: 10.11.4 (15E65)
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:link entry duplicates


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kitkat,

    It isn't possible I'm afraid, the items in each vault are considered very separate so what we recommend is there is only a single copy that you keep in a shared vault. Now previously I know some people didn't like that because of having to swap between vaults but the introduction of the All Vaults view should help here a bit as it allows you to view and access the items across a number of vaults. Is there a reason why you need to maintain multiple copies of an item?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @kitkat I, too, maintain certain duplicates between my primary vault and a shared vault. The reason is that I don't particularly care for the confusion the All Vaults view can cause on occasion and 99% of the time want to see only my primary vault. However, I also need to refer to the items I've shared.

    The way I deal with your issue is to set up a smart folder with the following criteria:

    (I have obviously tagged shared items accordingly.) That means I can see at a glance in the sidebar any items tagged as shared which have been updated in the past 30 days or so.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kitkat: Did Stephen_C's suggestion help? Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions! :)

  • kitkat
    Community Member

    @Stephen_C So generally you are in your primary vault but if that tagged duplicated item is changed in either vault it is duplicated in, it will show up in the Smart folder and when you see it, you know to manually sync it to the other?

    @littlebobbytables The reason I'd like this is because I don't like using All Vaults, I don't see the folders I created in my Primary vault, there is extra clutter and 99% of the time I only need to use my Primary vault. However, I have a work vault with one item in it that I use almost daily hence I've copied that one into my Primary vault and have continued to use just my primary vault. This is why I'd like a syncing capability for duplicate items so they stay in sync in case I update any info. I don't think this would be very hard to implement either, every time an item is duplicated, it can ask if you want them linked (synced), and any changes to either one would propagate those changes to the other item it is linked to.

    @brenty Stephen_C's solution is better than nothing but like I said I only have one of these duplicate items and am fully aware of which one it is, I might as well manually update the other if I make any changes right then and there. Obviously this is a manual process which is not ideal, especially if one might have more than one duplicate item

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member


    So generally you are in your primary vault but if that tagged duplicated item is changed in either vault it is duplicated in, it will show up in the Smart folder and when you see it, you know to manually sync it to the other?

    That's not quite the case. I can see at a glance in the side panel of my primary vault that there is an item in my primary vault, which also appears in my secondary vault, and which has been updated within the past 30 days or so. I can then copy that item from the primary to the secondary vault. The notification in the primary vault will not work the other way (i.e., it's not going to warn you of an updated item in the secondary vault). For that you'd need to have the same sort of smart folder in the secondary vault and check that too. That doesn't bother me because all updates to shared items are made in my primary vault in any event. I appreciate your case may be different, of course.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2016

    Since individual vaults are encrypted separately, it isn't possible for data to be linked or shared between them, but it's something we'd like to be possible in the future. Thanks for the feedback! :)

This discussion has been closed.