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Individual Account Adding a Second 'User'.

Community Member

Hi. I wonder if you can help?

I am considering opening an individual account as I use a single Mac and an iPhone.

My wife has an iPhone with her own Apple ID.

At the moment I have a licence for my Mac and the iOS app, and have recently purchased the iOS app for my wife. I sync my 1P data through Dropbox and have logged her phone in, so if I need to I can access it as a fail-safe should I lose/damage my iPhone when we are away from home.

I would like to offload Dropbox and iCloud would need my wife's phone to be logged into the same Apple account.

The question is, if I open an individual account, is it possible to access my 1P data through the app on her phone?

Thanks for your help.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Jacob
    edited October 2016

    Hi @PJ1! I'd be happy to help. :) An individual account isn't quite what would solve this. I'd recommend using 1Password Families instead. It gives you and other family members access to 1Password without needing to worry about Apple IDs and all that stuff. It's a step up from an individual account, so you get some other cool stuff with it too:

    • Get all the 1Password apps. No matter which plan you choose, you (and every member of your family or team plan) always has free access to the latest versions of all the 1Password apps. Learn more about all the features included with a 1Password account.
    • Share and sync without the need of a third-party sync service. Setting up syncing with Dropbox can be confusing for some folks. With a 1Password account, simply sign in and all your data is there.
    • New vaults automatically show up for family members. When you create a new vault, you can add others in your plan to it automatically. They don’t need to do anything to see it and begin using it on their end.
    • Item History for restoring deleted or changed items. If a change was made to an item and it needs to be reverted, fret not. It can easily be rolled back from
    • Recover accounts if a family member forgets their Master Password. We have always prided ourselves on our security model which has no back door. While we still can’t recover anyone’s accounts, you can now recover accounts for your family and team members.
    • View, edit, and add items from any browser. You’ll always have access to your data on, even if you're away from your main devices.
    • Brand new multi-factor security model for your hosted account. Since your data is in the cloud, we took some extra steps to make sure the security is even better than what the standalone version of 1Password has.

    I'd recommend taking it for a spin. There's a 30-day trial to get you started, and we have a nice guide to help you move things over to the new account:

    Move your existing 1Password data to a 1Password account

    Let us know how things go! If you have any questions we're happy to help.

  • PJ1
    Community Member

    Hi @Jacob. Thanks for getting back to me.

    My wife doesn't actually use the service at all, and I only send 1P and other stuff to her phone as another avenue of use should my phone meet an untimely demise or get lost while we're away.

    It seems that I'm only left with the choices of an individual account - which would give the option of using a browser - or iCloud and trusting everything to a single device.

    Thanks for your help.

  • @PJ1 Ah okay. Well, you could always get her set up with it just in case. Then she could recover your Master Password if you needed that at some point. If not, you could do an individual account, which would automatically sync your data. You can also use 1Password without an account and sync to iCloud, then there's no need to worry about trusting 1Password to a single device because your data is being synced somewhere and you have a backup. :) Hope that helps!

  • PJ1
    Community Member


    Points taken. Will give it some more thought.


  • You're welcome. Happy to help! :) Let us know if you have any other questions.

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