Strange issue : 2 AgileKeychain vaults with Samples but only one vault shows the Samples.

Community Member
edited December 2016 in iOS

i have 2 vaults with the 1Password sample data but under All Vaults, they show the total number but not when viewed? Very odd. The other vault is named "1Password 2". It is intentionally named as it was from 1Password 2 for Mac, 7 years ago. 1Password 6 for Windows v6.2.333d is displaying all the Samples correctly. The iOS version is v6.5.1.

For example if there are 6 logins, 3 from each vault, displaying under All vaults will only show 3 and not 6. The total tally of vaults is correct when viewed with All Vaults.

Back then, 1Password Samples were added into the Primary vault and not separate like they are now. I am attempting to clear my vaults of obsolete items.

1Password Version: iOS 6.5.1, Win 6.2.333
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 10.2, Win 7
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Screen captures:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @wkleem: Okay, that is pretty weird. Did you perhaps sync, create items, or make other changes, and the count just hasn't caught up? There's currently a bug in 1Password for iOS that will prevent this from refreshing unless the app is relaunched or you switch vaults. Another thought is that you may have some vaults hidden in Settings > Vaults > All Vaults.

    I'm not certain I understand the "samples" you're referring to though. Are these items/vaults you created yourself manually, or did you add the Demo vault at some point? It almost sounds like you have a Demo vault you created yourself and sync'd (from Dropbox?), and then also a Demo vault created within the app itself (Settings > Vaults > Sync Additional Vault > Create Demo Vault). Let me know what you find!

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited December 2016


    I'm not certain I understand the "samples" you're referring to though. Are these items/vaults you created yourself manually, or did you add the Demo vault at some point? It almost sounds like you have a Demo vault you created yourself and sync'd (from Dropbox?), and then also a Demo vault created within the app itself (Settings > Vaults > Sync Additional Vault > Create Demo Vault). Let me know what you find!

    Samples are the Wendy Appleseed ones straight from Agilebits years ago. There are no hidden vaults. It's just old data from the time when, if I created a Demo, the samples would just be inserted straight into the Primary AgileKeychain. Like I mentioned earlier the samples are from 1Password 2 (or 3) for the Mac.

    The Sync is current. It was annoying but I just left the samples in and now I want to cull them,

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Ah, gotcha! Yeah, the Demo vault works a bit differently now. It's created separately, which definitely helps avoid this sort of confusion (to some extent). I'd just delete those "samples", since it's easy to create a fresh Demo vault on demand if needed. Cheers! :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Thanks. So it's a bug and hopefully won't happen again? :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yeah, the item count is definitely a bug. But I can't say for certain otherwise. We'll have to see if we can reproduce it since obviously we don't want your data. Thanks for bringing this up!

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited December 2016

    With Dropbox and 1PasswordAnywhere deprecated, it would be difficult to create a new vault in Dropbox. I still have my Snow Leopard disk somewhere, if it works. And if I can get on the internet with it.

    I couldn't get back in to Tiger. That's too old.

  • I can't in good conscious recommend using either 1PasswordAnywhere or Snow Leopard anymore.


  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited December 2016

    Some people use Snow Leopard for Rosetta and the lack of an increasingly iOSified OS.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I can certainly appreciate the sentiment, but I think security really should come first, as opposed to cosmetic preferences. I mean, using an old OS for compatibility with older apps for personal use _offline _certainly does no harm, but connecting to the internet with an outdated OS and browser is risky, and not something I'd recommend either, especially given the context here of using 1Password to be more secure. Using 1Password with an insecure OS and browser online is like wearing a seatbelt in a convertible to drive through a hailstorm. Seatbelts are important, but won't be of much help in that situation. :dizzy:

    But yeah, love me some old school Mac OS Oregon Trail. ;)

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited December 2016


    I hope you don't mind if I ask about 1Password for Mac which is currently at v6.5? Usually only one version of 1Password is installed at a time in the Application Folder but what if I deliberately installed multiple versions of 1Password say 1Password 4 and 5 from the Update Server but rename them with their respective version numbers? Upgrades were free from Agilebits.

    Would there be any conflicts? OSX allows for the app to be dragged anywhere, right? I'd forgotten how the 1Password Install works.

    I'm currently at El Capitan Latest version : 10.11.6

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2016

    @wkleem: The biggest reason not to keep multiple copies around (and it's a pretty big one) is that macOS will sometimes launch the wrong copy of 1Password mini, and that pretty much breaks 1Password for most intents and purposes until it's killed and the correct one is launched. And neither the user nor 1Password itself has complete control over that. Is there a specific reason you'd want to keep old versions around? Honestly the best thing to do would be to do a Spotlight search, drag them all to the Trash, and then install a fresh copy of the latest version. I do what you're suggesting myself...but only because I have to. ;)

  • wkleem
    Community Member


    Wrt keeping old versions around, I thought of having Demo vaults from the various versions that I didn't see any point in keeping them at the time. :) It may be too late now.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Ha. I'm the same way. If you figure out a way to break the habit, let me know. :p

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    I have decided to clone the entire disk as a failsafe measure. Disks are cheap anyway.

  • Fair enough. :)


  • wkleem
    Community Member

    I am setting up some Agilebits Sample vaults, separate from the main vault. Presumably, the vaults won't pick up extraneous data? An example would be that Microsoft Word fast saves saves your hard disk data outside of your .doc files. It can be examined with a hex editor.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @wkleem: I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're asking, but if it helps, 1Password saves changes directly to the files in your vault. In the case of AgileKeychain, each item is a separate .1password file; whereas with OPVault, there are several bandX.js files that contain many items based on their UUID. In either case these files are written directly though.

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited January 2017

    I apologise for any confusion. There is this very Long standing bug 20 years old for MS Office which allows Office to collect data that resides anywhere on the hard disk, which should only be kept to the document itself. I will have to take your word for it that the 1Password vaults don't do this. I don't think MS solved it and it may still be in newer version of Office

    "- basically, Word is pulling stuff out of other files on your hard drive and inserting them into the background of your documents.

    This may be a security risk, depending on how sensitive the information on your hard drive is. Microsoft claims it is pulling data from deleted files, although I have seen users claim it is pulling data from open windows and networked drives. Either way, it's a pain in the neck because it makes your files wayyyy too big and slow."

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @wkleem: Okay, I've been doing this for a long time and seen a lot of weird stuff, but that takes the cake. I've never heard of that before (though, admittedly, I've never been a big Office user).

    I'll put it this way: 1Password isn't doing anything like that, but even if it was, it would at least be encrypting the data first -- perhaps increasing the security of much random data on your computer, by accident. :lol:

    By yeah...that't just nuts.

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