Moving 1Password across laptops with standalone licence

Community Member

Hi guys, sorry if this has been asked before but I'm having issues moving 1Password over to my new laptop. I've had 1Password for a while now so have one of the standalone licences. I originally installed 1Password on a Dell laptop and use Dropbox to sync my data with the 1Password app on my iPhone. I have always kept 1Password current on both devices by installing the latest updates.

I have recently purchased a MacBook Pro to replace the Dell. I installed 1Password on the MacBook but it is a 'read only' version. I have tried to register my original licence key with this version but I can't for the life of me work out how to do this. If I try to add an account, it appears to be looking for information associated with one of the newer subscriptions/accounts, which I obviously don't have. My goal is to establish the 1Password program on my MacBook as my primary account (where I will be able to add, edit, delete, etc, data) and sync that with my iPhone. I would then like to delete the 1Password program from my Dell. Can you guide me as to how to do this please?

Oh, I also temporarily switched the syncing function on my iPhone from Dropbox to iCloud so that I could transfer data across to the 1Password program on the MacBook. It successfully transferred across the data but, as the MacBook is read only and I couldn't change the data in any way (and my Dell was still using Dropbox), I changed the sync on my iPhone back to Dropbox. Not sure if this is relevant but thought you should know everything I've done!

Thanks in advance for your help.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • bugster70
    Community Member

    Anyone able to help???

  • rudy
    edited March 2017


    can you send us an email at support+forum @ We should be able to resolve the confusion and get you sorted out.


  • bugster70
    Community Member

    Thanks for your reply @rudy, I emailed the Support Team as requested and have already received a response!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of Rudy, you're very welcome! If you have more questions about this, you can reply to the email and continue the conversation there. If you need anything else, feel free to open a new thread here on our forums. Cheers! :)

    ref: GWC-75523-458

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