1password.com and syncing blocked.
Much to my chagrin, theIT department at my job has decided to start blocking 1Password.com and with that comes the sync service that syncs my Macs, iPhone etc. Now if I make a change it's not carried over to all devices. You can imagine how frustrating this is. I checked with IT and apparently they are blocking password manager sites? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I moved to a 1Password sync account and was formerly using iCloud to sync. As of now it appears iCloud is not blocked.
I'm looking for a solution to get all my devices synced again knowing that the native 1Password cloud offering isn't available at the office. Is it possible to use two syncing methods simultaneously? That seems like total pain in the rear and/or not especially secure but I can't think of another option.
1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version: 4.6.6
OS Version: 10.12.5
Sync Type: 1Password
@brightpavilions: Hmm. That is a bit of a pickle. What do they expect you to use, Post It™ notes? :unamused:
Anyway, depending on which versions of 1Password you're using, you may be able to use a local vault alongside your 1Password.com vaults and sync that via iCloud.
But I'm not sure that's a good long-term solution, as they can just as easily decided to block iCloud tomorrow as well. I'd encourage you to talk to them. I'm sure they're reasonable people. And don't hesitate to put them in touch with us if they have questions about how 1Password works. We're happy to help in any way we can. :)
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@brenty Oh, I've talked to them. I've explained how 1Password works and have directed them to look at your site for some insight on the technology. But I've not getting any movement. It's not just 1Pass, it's other password mangers as well. I'm told if "corporate" has blocked it, then it's blocked. End of discussion. So there goes the "reasonable" assumption! :)
As I stated in my footer, I'm using all current versions of 1Password along with a 1Password sync account. I also thought about syncing from my iPhone to my work Mac using the WLAN feature. Does that make any sense? I know it's going to be a some sort of "kludge" to get it to work and certainly not as seamless as I know it to be, but can you think of any other ways around this?
Appreciate it!
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@brightpavilions: Well, I try to stay optimistic. I can dream, can't I? :lol:
In all seriousness though, I'm really sorry to hear that. The alternatives are few, and they ain't pretty. :(
If you're only using 1Password for Mac, that will be a bit more difficult. WLAN Server will be out, as this only works for syncing local vaults between a single computer and one or more mobile devices. So you'd need to use Folder Sync to either copy your vault between computers manually, or utilize a 3rd party utility to sync the folder.
Just keep in mind that this will be completely separate from your 1Password.com account, so you'll probably end up needing to copy data back and forth between them — and backup regularly. Another thing that will come into play there is that copying between vaults effectively duplicates the item with a new UUID. This is important and was designed that way to prevent data loss from overwriting, but in this scenario it will mean that you can't simply replace one copy with another; you'll need to delete the older one if only want to keep the new copy.
Just some ideas that might be useful. Let me know if you have any questions.
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Thanks for your reply. It is mind boggling that under the guise of security they are blocking an application that greatly improves security. In their minds, they must be thinking it could be used to store company information under a master password or something. I don't know, and I doubt I'll ever get an explanation.
Anyhow, I use 1P on my Mac at work, my Mac at home and an iPhone. Home Mac and iPhone aren't a problem, it's just this damn work machine on the company network. I guess I'll just have to not rely on syncing with this machine and somehow manually replace my Vault at, say a monthly interval.
Is there an official process I can go through to manually update a Vault file from another?
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@brightpavilions: Well...I'm glad you said it so I didn't have to. While I obviously can't comment on your situation, in my experience institutional inertia often accounts for policies that seem antiquated or strange. It's a tough problem to solve, especially when there's no one person in an organization who's both empowered enough to change things and knowledgeable enough want to. :unamused:
I feel a bit silly for not mentioning this earlier, but if you've got 1Password on a mobile device, you can sync that when you're not on the company network and just access your data there at work. Not ideal, certainly, but it's reliable (with regard to not having to manually manage data transfer), and word-based passwords could help you more easily read and enter them when you're without the use of 1Password on the machine at work. There just isn't an official process for doing ad-hoc syncing/copying of data because it really is specific to your setup. I'm sorry I don't have a better suggestion for you. :(