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Account deleted by mistake

Community Member

I have had an account for several years - in the process of moving it to another device I deleted it by mistake. I can't find the codes which I need to open my account again. I don't have the codes as the account is old. Is there any way that you can reopen the account for me. Or alternaly set me up with a new as I don't feel like paying for it again


  • bundtkate
    edited October 2017

    @Amethyst: Without knowing how you had 1Password set up before, it's tough for us to be able to point you in the right direction. If you've had 1Password for a long time and deleted the app or your 1Password data, there's at least a possibility you won't be able to recover it. Could you tell me what device(s) you were using 1Password on? Were you syncing your vault to Dropbox or iCloud, by chance? Did you delete the 1Password app or do you think you may have deleted your 1Password data? This extra info will help us better understand what's happened so far and see what we can do to help. Thanks! :chuffed:

    ref: TLZ-29834-889

  • Amethyst
    Community Member

    I am using an iPhone 6 S, I bought the 1 Password app to my phone. When I bought it it was with a 4 digit code. I have not used iCloud.
    After I deleted the app on my phone I have been able to open the app with my 4 digit code, the contents were gone. When I looked in to the info it said I needed a subscription so I got a free subscription which I later cancelled.
    So now I can get into the 1 password app and I can fill in my passwords etc. does that mean I that I have my old account back as it was without a subscription ? Or will I have to start a new subscription when the free expire ? Which I would preferred not to as I paid for the app when I bought it.
    If my old account is functioning on the terms it was before will I get problems later as I don't have the codes except my 4 digit code ?

  • Hi @Amethyst,

    When you say "After I deleted the app on my phone I have been able to open the app with my 4 digit code", can you elaborate on what that means? Did you re-install the app from the App Store?

    Were you previously syncing with anything like Dropbox? That's the only way I can think of to possibly get the old data back.


  • Amethyst
    Community Member

    Yes I re-installed the app from the App Store. I have not used Dropbox.
    Is it not possible for you to check the status of my account via my mail address ?

  • @Amethyst: With older versions of 1Password, your data was only stored in what we called a standalone vault. These are stored locally (unless you decided to sync your vault) and your e-mail was only used by the App Store to check that you purchased the app. Not only do we never see your data, but we actually won't even know you purchased 1Password as Apple doesn't share this information with developers. In short, unless you have a 1Password membership (the subscription), we likely know next to nothing about your account.

    That said, it sounds like you've managed to restore your data.

    So now I can get into the 1 password app and I can fill in my passwords etc. does that mean I that I have my old account back as it was without a subscription ?

    If I'm understanding this correctly, then you're now able to access your data, which leads me to believe you should be all set. If you haven't signed up for a 1Password membership, it's absolutely okay to continue using 1Password as you have been without a subscription. If you're not syncing your data, however, I would encourage you to set up sync, just in case something like this happens again.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Amethyst: And please backup your data. Better safe than sorry. :)

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