suggestion: faster access to passwords in favorites

Community Member

1Password is great when filling passwords in browsers. For passwords in other places, it takes a lot of key/mouse strokes which takes many seconds. To speed up these passwords I put them in Favorites, but it is still a bit slower than I would like. Let's say I want to fill in a password in a Terminal window. I go to the 1Password mini icon in the tray (often a long way away), click, wait for the menu to pop up, move the mouse down to Favorites, wait for the Favorites menu to pop up, move down to the password I want, wait for the entry to pop up, move the mouse over to the copy button, press the copy button, move the mouse back to the Terminal window, type Command-V. It takes a while. It would certainly save some time if there were a button in the Terminal window to get to the passwords I use there, but MacOS might not support that. My suggestion is to save one pop up and move: if I click on the entry in the Favorites list, copy the password field to the clipboard. If I want some other field I can still move to the pop up and click on the other field and copy it, but since that is a lot less frequent than just wanting the password, my suggestion would optimize the most common case.

Another way to speed things up would be to include the Favorites right in the first pop up when you click on the tray icon (e.g. at the bottom). That would save another mouse move.

Anyway, that's my suggestion for your consideration.

1Password Version: 6.8.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.12.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • pervel
    Community Member

    You can speed up the process somewhat by only using the keyboard. There are still a few keypresses and menu navigation involved. But I'd say it's a lot faster than using the mouse.

  • @eak9000a: In addition to @pervel's wonderful suggestion, you can also anchor an item in mini to keep the item details open even when you close mini. Once you have the item details open, click the anchor icon in the lower left-hand corner of the item details view and it'll stick around until you dismiss it. I actually cheat a bit with logins I only ever use outside a browser, I use custom fields to keep additional logins in a single "non-browser" item. I add sections and label them with the additional item names, then add a custom text field with the username and a password field with the password in each section as appropriate. This way, I can anchor that one item for easy access to everything I need outside my browser. That said, I have very few such logins and adding custom fields and sections can quickly make that anchor window gigantic so if you have a ton of them, this might not work as well for you.

    I hope some of these tricks help and, of course, I'll be sure to pass your feedback along to the team. :chuffed:

  • eak9000a
    Community Member

    Thank you for the suggestions @pervel and @bundtkate. Using Command-Option-\ to get to 1Password mini is useful to know, but using the keyboard to navigate to favorites is fairly slow if you have a number of favorites. It would make things fast enough if the Command-0, Command-1, ..., Command-9 (or even just 0, 1, ..., 9) could then be used to copy the password field of the first 10 entries in Favorites, so perhaps that should be my real suggestion. That would be a full keyboard solution that wouldn't involve moving the mouse.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @eak9000a: ⌘ n are used for switching vaults, and a lot of people use that, so I don't think we'll be changing that and yanking the rug out from under them. ;)

    Rather than navigate your list of Favorites, if you just start typing when you open 1Password mini that will perform a search. And in any search results, matching items marked as Favorites will be at the which point that item will already be selected, and if you just want to copy the password all you need to do is press ⌘ ⇧ C to copy it to the clipboard and dismiss 1Password mini. Cheers! :)

  • eak9000a
    Community Member

    Something that would help on systems with a touch bar would be a button that opens up buttons for each Favorite.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @eak9000a It's an interesting idea! I'm not sure what buttons we'd use for that, having already used number buttons for vault-switching, as brenty mentioned. However, we'll definitely take your thoughts into account as we move forward with future updates. Thanks!

  • eak9000a
    Community Member

    @brenty I've been using @pervel's Command-Option-\ and your ⌘ ⇧ C suggestion and it does somewhat solve the issue for me. The only issue is the finger contortion required to type these. If you could make these easier to type, it would be an improvement.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2018

    @eak9000a - I'll pass along that request, but I have to be honest and say I doubt you'll see such a thing. We're very hesitant to change things like keyboard shortcuts, because so many of our power users already know and rely upon the existing combos that when considering changing even a single one, we have to assume far more people will be negatively affected than are asking for a change. That's not to say it won't happen, just that I wouldn't expect it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @eak9000a: Thanks for the feedback! I think I know what you mean. We don't have any plans of changing these, as everyone who has grown to depend on them would need to readjust completely. But you may find that different hand position helps.

    This reminds me of when I switched from Windows to OS X back in the day, and therefore had to switch from Ctrl C to ⌘ C, etc. This was not an easy habit to break (and don't get me started on switching back and forth between Macs and PCs today!), but I found that using different fingers helped. For Ctrl C on Windows, I always used my left pinky (Ctrl) and left index finger (C), and man does that feel like finger Twister if I try to use those same fingers for ⌘ I got used to using my thumb (⌘) and index finger (C) instead.

    Truth be told, I've only recently started using the Copy Password keyboard shortcut myself, as I'm generally using ⌘ \ to just fill complete login credentials, so it was rough for me at first too. But I've found that adding my left pinky (Shift) to my usual left thumb (⌘) and left index finger (C) positioning works well after a little practice. Anyway, not saying that will be ideal for you, but a little experimentation can help you find something that works. Cheers! :)

  • sam_hall
    Community Member

    I wanted to raise the same suggestion. I actually didn't know about the vault switching hotkeys, I'm not sure what the equivalent windows shortcuts are for switching vaults, I don't see anything about that in the settings, I'll search, that's a side issue anyway.

    The fact is I have many passwords in several vaults, but I normally only use 3 main ones to access various systems at work. The browser integration is excellent, but if I want to use anything other than a browser, retrieving the password is still a chore. It's actually faster for me to simply type the password.

    The mini-app assumes I want to open the main website associated with the password. Also, it doesn't open to the favorites tab, instead assuming I want to search for a password by username. 99% of the time I'm going to want to grab one of the three main passwords I use most regularly on a day to day basis. Currently, the mouse navigation required to copy a password from my favorites is too slow to be worthwhile (on non-browsers).

    What I think can fix this without breaking vault hotkeys...
    1. A new hotkey which opens the mini-app to my most used passwords (or favorites if that's all we have as an alternative)
    2. If we have to use the existing favorites tab for this, then we also need a mechanism to change the sequence order that favorites are displayed in, so the user can choose which ones to display in the top 1 to 9 slots
    3. Listen for keystrokes 1 to 9 when that tabs open and either just copy the associated password or if at all possible, return to the application which last had focus and just blurt out the keystrokes for the password

    In lieu of such a feature, is it possible to use an automation tool such as AutoIt or AutoHotkey to request a specific password from my vault whenever 1password has been unlocked?

    I also found another similar request from 2011. Looks like a "commonly used" passwords tab would address more than just my use-case...

  • Thanks for the feedback, @sam_hall. :) We'll take those suggestions into consideration as we brainstorm about improvements for mini.

    In lieu of such a feature, is it possible to use an automation tool such as AutoIt or AutoHotkey to request a specific password from my vault whenever 1password has been unlocked?

    I'm not familiar with those tools; sorry.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    We'll definitely take your feedback into account along with everyone else's. Thank you for letting us know your preference! :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :chuffed: :+1:

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