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Can I have multiple vaults accessible everywhere with an online account?

Community Member

I currently use 1Password 6 on my macbook and iphone. I'd like to move to a subscription, and use different vaults, but I want to be able to access all of them everywhere, including under different users on my laptop. Is it possible?
Currently, if I have 2 vaults on my laptop, they will not show separately on my iphone. Everything is there, but it's all mixed together... Wondering if it would be the same if I moved to an online account?

1Password Version: 1Password 6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: wifi
Referrer: forum-search:Can I have multiple vaults accessible everywhere, even in different user accounts on my laptop?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2018

    @annebajou: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! It sounds like you have All Vaults selected, which will show you everything "mixed together":

    Use All Vaults to see all your items at once

    That will be the same on any device if you don't select an individual vault.

    But with a membership you can use 1Password on as many devices and user accounts as you want, just sign into the app to set it up and access your data.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

    ref: CUK-32552-723

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