Changed Master Password
I'm having the same problem, I need to delete my account, and restart. I changed my password, and it didn't take, and I have no way of resetting the password. I have the data, in an export, how do I delete my account, so I can recreate it and restart?
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I'm having the same problem, I need to delete my account, and restart. I changed my password, and it didn't take, and I have no way of resetting the password. I have the data, in an export, how do I delete my account, so I can recreate it and restart?
@shervinf: Can you tell me what you mean by "it didn't take"? If you were unsuccessful in changing your Master Password (for example, you failed to enter the current one correctly in order to change it), then the original Master Password will still be the one you will use to unlock it. But if you have different accounts/vaults setup on different devices, that will confuse things, as the 1Password app will unlock with the Master Password of the first account/vault you have setup in it. Please see if you can sign into your account on the website:
There is also no harm in trying different Master Passwords you may have used. You won't get "locked out", you'll only be unable to get in without entering the correct one you've set. Let me know what you find!
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Hi, it didn't work. I need to if possible delete my account, and reload my data. Is that possible? "It didn't take: It didn't work, the password that I typed and setup , is not working." I also cannot get into the website. How do I cancel the account and set it up again?
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@shervinf: I cannot delete your account, but I can help you do it. However, where do you plan to "reload" your data from afterward? If the only copy you have of your data is in your account, that won't help, as it will be deleted with the account. Please clarify what you have in mind.
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I have my data in Dropbox, as I used to use your software without your cloud. I am still paying for the cloud subscription, but cannot use it. at least cancel that and I can resign up, I cannot even access that.
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@shervinf: Thanks for confirming. I'm sorry that you've locked yourself out of your own account. We'll help you get it sorted, but it's important to make sure you don't lose data if at all possible. Thanks for understanding. I've sent you an email, and we can continue the conversation there to handle account details.
ref: RHV-66436-494