Export selection in 1Password for Mac greyed out

edited March 2018 in Mac
This discussion was created from comments split from: Export credentials from plugin.


  • snowman42
    Community Member

    There seems to be an option to export in v6, but it's greyed out for me as a trial user. I upgraded because I expected the option to export as a CSV file so I could have the option to move my vault to another app. I guess that's not an option and I'm stuck here now?

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    @snowman42: Welcome to our support forum!

    You mention "v6" in your post which leads me to believe you are talking about one of our desktop or mobile 1Password apps. Can you please let me know which platform (Mac, Windows, Android, iOS) you are using so I can better answer your question and get your post moved to the right section?


  • snowman42
    Community Member

    Hi @beyer thanks for the quick response! I'm on Mac OS 10.13.3

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2018

    @snowman42: No problem! I've quickly moved this thread to the appropriate section on our forum.

    It sounds like you might have "All Vaults" selected but exporting needs to happen at the per-vault level. Can you try selecting a specific vault (1Password > Switch to Vault) and then export your data?

    I hope that helps, but please let us know if you still find the export option unavailable.

  • snowman42
    Community Member

    Hi @beyer nope! Only one vault, so no option to switch vault available in the 1Password menu.. Could it be because I'm running it in trial mode right now?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the additional info, @snowman42.

    Sounds like you've stumbled across a known issue that causes File > Export to be disabled in 1Password for Mac, unrelated to using it in trial mode (which has no restrictions during that time).

    Here's a workaround for you to try:

    1. Open 1Password, then press the Control-Option-Command-Q shortcut to quit 1Password and 1Password mini.
    2. Reopen and unlock 1Password, then press Command-Q to quit the app.
    3. Reopen again, with 1Password still unlocked.
    4. Check if File > Export is now enabled.

    Let us know if you have any further trouble with it and we'll figure out something else for you to try. Sorry for inconvenience!

    ref: OPM-4681

  • snowman42
    Community Member

    @sjk wow! Nice sleuthing. That method has worked perfectly. It seems I did indeed stumble on a lovely little buggy. Thanks everybody at agilebits for the help :chuffed:

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @snowman42 - not sure where everyone who actually helped you is right now, but on behalf of beyer and sjk, you're quite welcome! Glad they were able to assist -- and we hope to have that issue addressed more fully via code in a future release, so stay tuned. :)

  • LIEandLME
    Community Member

    I'm running 1Password7 on MacOS 10.14.2. This workaround doesn't do the trick for me. What else can I try?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @LIEandLME - I'm sorry for the trouble. Can you give us a little more information? How specifically are you attempting to export? More specifically, have you followed all these instructions?

  • LIEandLME
    Community Member

    Thanks so much for this. I'm trying to export to match what I have on IPassword to what I have on Dashlane before I finally delete Dashlane for once and for all. But my export includes as many as six passwords for the same login. Any suggestions would be welcome!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @LIEandLME - OK, sounds good. I'm still not sure I understand, however. You were using Dashlane, but want to switch to 1Password? Wouldn't that mean you'd be needing to export from Dashlane, not 1Password? Or you were using both applications simultaneously? I'm happy to help if I can...I'm just not sure what you're asking me, or where the difficulty is.

  • LIEandLME
    Community Member

    We exported from Dashlane to 1Password, but we found several instances where the files didn't match. Things have gotten worse the last month or so while we've been running both programs on our computer. I didn't think it would be so difficult to print out a list from both programs and match them up before deleting Dashlane.
    When I got my printout form 1Password, I have multiple passwords on my list.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @LIEandLME - yeah, that sounds like a recipe for confusion/data duplication (or even loss). Do you have what you would describe as a complete and up-to-date set of your data in either 1Password or Dashlane right now?

  • LIEandLME
    Community Member

    Sadly, we do not! We find some correct passwords in Dashlane but not 1Password and some in 1Password but not Dashlane. I want to print out both collections, find those that don't match, try them out and achieve a complete set of correct passwords on 1Password. A lofty goal, I know. Ugh.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @LIEandLME - I'm not quite sure why you'd print them out; static copies are of limited use. What I'd recommend you do is (since you're switching to 1Password), go through what you have in 1Password and check whether each Login item works. When you find ones that DO work, delete all similar entries in Dashlane (theory being: you don't need them, since you already have a good copy in 1Password). When you find Login items in 1Password that don't work, try their counterparts in Dashlane, and if those DO work, save them into 1Password manually.

    Yes, I realize what a pain this is likely to be, and I wish I had a magic button for you. Unfortunately, when you have this kind of a situation, there really isn't one.

    Eventually, you'll have nothing in Dashlane that's a) good and b) is NOT already also in 1Password. At that point, I think it's safe to remove Dashlane and consider yourself up to date. Feel free to ask any questions you might have, especially if you run into any problems. Good luck! :)

  • LIEandLME
    Community Member

    Thanks, Lars. I'm elderly enough to feel more confident of what I can do on paper. But I will follow the plan you so kindly suggested. Thanks, again.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

This discussion has been closed.