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What is stored where with membership?

Community Member

I am looking to upgrade from ver6.x to ver7 and have a question about the
membership options.

Exactly what items are stored on your servers with the membership and is there options of
what is stored where?

I ask because I am very hesitant on having all my "life" so to speak stored
on servers I don't control because:
1. No company can guarantee absolutely that their servers will be absolutely
100% available all the time forever.
2. No company can guarantee 100% absolutely that their servers are un-hackable.
With the case of your service, depending on what is stored, it would make a very
juicy target.

So, in the event of #1, what impact would it have on my use of 1Password7 across
all my devices? This is a significant concern.

In case #2, can the user control to a minimum the information stored on your servers?
This is of paramount concern these days as many of the so called very secure sites
are getting hacked to varying degrees.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben
    edited May 2018

    Hi @woodmeister50,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in with these questions. I’d be happy to help answer them.

    1. No company can guarantee absolutely that their servers will be absolutely
      100% available all the time forever.

    That’s absolutely true. We have taken the service offline for maintenance a couple of times, and there has been a couple instances of unplanned downtime. Fortunately each of the 1Password apps keeps a local encrypted cache of your data. If the service is unavailable changes won’t sync, but you’ll be able to access whatever was available the last time you signed into that particular device.

    1. No company can guarantee 100% absolutely that their servers are un-hackable.
      With the case of your service, depending on what is stored, it would make a very
      juicy target.

    You are absolutely right. You can read in detail what we store and how we store it in our security white paper:

    We’ve built our entire design around the possibility that our servers would be compromised.

    If you have further questions or need further details please let us know.


  • woodmeister50
    Community Member

    Thank you Ben for your prompt response and the link to a very informative article.

    I currently have an all Apple environment, iPhone and Macs and using the App Store version
    on all devices. I notice the iPhone is already at v7.x and I had purchased the "Pro Features".
    So, if continue with the Mac App Store for v7 and purchase the subscription:
    1. Once set up on the iPhone for the account, will there always be an additional log-in
    required when I open the app or will the Master Unlock (fingerprint) used to open the
    app automatically log into the member servers?
    2. On the Mac, will the 1Password Mini automatically connect to the servers or will another
    log in be required other than the Master Password?
    3. Will iCloud or any other remote server for that matter be disabled and all moved to the
    members server? Is there still a choice in what to sync to?
    4. After setting up the initial Mac, is simply a matter of installing on subsequent Macs and simply
    add the account log in?
    5. Finally, if for some reason I add a Windows platform to my environment, will the subscription
    purchased via the MAS still be valid for it? Or will it only work with membership purchases
    directly from AgileBits?

    Sorry for so many questions, but I am trying to decide whether switching to a subscription
    or sticking with the non-subscription is best for me and what caveats and possible pitfalls
    I may run into.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2018

    @woodmeister50: These are great questions! :)

    1. Once set up on the iPhone for the account, will there always be an additional log-in required when I open the app or will the Master Unlock (fingerprint) used to open the app automatically log into the member servers?

    When you initially setup the app with your account, you'll need to enter all of your account credentials to authorize it. But after that you'll be able to unlock it normally using your Master Password (or Touch ID) and access your data, even offline.

    1. On the Mac, will the 1Password Mini automatically connect to the servers or will another log in be required other than the Master Password?

    It works exactly the same in the app: you sign into your account to set it up, and then use it like you normally would the rest of the time.

    1. Will iCloud or any other remote server for that matter be disabled and all moved to the members server? Is there still a choice in what to sync to? accounts store the encrypted data on the server. There are no 3rd party sync services involved, nothing to configure — you simply sign into your account to setup each device.

    1. After setting up the initial Mac, is simply a matter of installing on subsequent Macs and simply add the account log in?


    1. Finally, if for some reason I add a Windows platform to my environment, will the subscription purchased via the MAS still be valid for it? Or will it only work with membership purchases directly from AgileBits?

    A membership allows you to use all the apps across all of your devices; it's all included, whether you pay for the subscription through Apple or directly through

    Sorry for so many questions, but I am trying to decide whether switching to a subscription or sticking with the non-subscription is best for me and what caveats and possible pitfalls I may run into.

    Hey, this is what we're here for! Let us know if you have any others. :)

  • woodmeister50
    Community Member

    Thank you for taking the time too answer my questions. However,
    there is on that is somewhat incomplete and perhaps I should have
    been a bit more explicit.

    In question 3, can I opt to have no data stored other than license validation
    on and sync only to my local server? Even with v6, with all
    that is going on with breaches these days, I intend to contain all my syncing of
    passwords and sensitive documents to my local server.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2018

    In question 3, can I opt to have no data stored other than license validation on and sync only to my local server?

    @woodmeister50: You can, but it isn't supported or recommended. You would not benefit from any of the convenience or security improvements of using, like seamless sync and the Secret Key which is also used to encrypt your data.

    Even with v6, with all that is going on with breaches these days, I intend to contain all my syncing of passwords and sensitive documents to my local server.

    That's why the "keys" to your data are never transmitted to us: the server only gets an encrypted blob, and even if that is stolen, an attacker will not have what they need to decrypt it; only you do. :)

  • woodmeister50
    Community Member

    Thank you for your response Benty. One final thing, well sort of two.

    Can v7 be run in "trial mode" for either/or membership or standalone?
    Reason I ask is that I would like to try both scenarios to see if I even want to
    upgrade to v7 at all or live with v6 until some future update. I realize I do
    get a 30 day trial for subscription but what about standalone.

    Since I would want to try either case on a single machine, is there any deleterious
    effects on my other Macs running v6 or my iPhone (which is v7) and if I decide that
    v7 is simply not for me just yet, can I easily revert to v6?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Hi there @woodmeister50

    The only trial period available is for a 1Password membership, which come with a 30-day trial. There is no trial period available for standalone. If you decide to give a membership a try and, during the trial period, decide it is not for you, then you can revert back to standalone usage at any time if you wish to.

This discussion has been closed.