Use my previous Dropbox data in 1P7 - How, Where?

Community Member

I have been running 1P6 (from App Store) on my Mac, with my data synced to Dropbox. Just installed 1P7 from the 1P site and set up an individual subscription. Checked in Preferences as shown in this support article but my screen looks significantly different. All of my icons after "Watchtower" are different. I have "Vaults" (rather than "All vaults"), "Browsers" (different icon) and "Updates". I don't have "Sync", "WiFi server" or "Backup". Am I missing an activation/license? Does the support article need to be updated?

How can I get 1P7 to use/import the existing 1P6 data from Dropbox? Will I run into similar issues if I upgrade my iPad and iPhone to 1P7?


1Password Version: 7.0.3 from 6 (current)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.13.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Hi there @brian4d

    The reason those options don't so up is because syncing, backups and other such are handled automatically when using a 1Password memberships. Were you not given the opportunity to import your existing data when you first signed in to the account?

  • brian4d
    Community Member

    Yes, there was an option to "import" but it gave me the impression that my data would end up on the 1P server. In the past, upgrades always used "Sync" settings to connect to my existing Dropbox files. Does the "import" option for 1P7 let me keep my data in Dropbox?

    Would I see those other options if I purchased a license instead of a subscription? Would a license be a better option if I want to use Dropbox for my sync?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @brian4d Part of the purpose of a 1Password membership is that your data (or at least a highly encrypted form of it) is stored on our servers. It being there is what allows us to provide all of the features of membership such as seamless syncing, redundant backups, Travel Mode and more. While you can have a membership and still keep your data in a standalone vault, that isn't really recommended as you cannot take advantages of most of the benefits of membership.

    Is there a particular reason why you want to use Dropbox specifically?

  • brian4d
    Community Member

    No, was just thinking I'd do an "in place" upgrade to 7 and then figure out the pros & cons before migrating my data to your servers. If I'm ready to migrate my Dropbox data right now, how would I go about doing that? Couldn't spot anything in "Preferences" that looked relevant. The closest support doc I could find was this one but it doesn't seem to apply.


  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @brian4d If that is what you want to do, you need to go into the Advanced tab of Preferences and turn on local vaults. Then you can sync that local vault with Dropbox. Although I do recommend you migrate your data over to your new membership vault soon. If you have questions about what that involves or what it means, I would be happy to answer them.

  • brian4d
    Community Member

    I think I'd like to move my Dropbox data into my membership account on your servers. Just need some help figuring out how to do that. For some reason, I can't locate anything in Preferences or on the support site that would do this.

    Sorry for all the questions. I've used 1P since version 4 and I'm a software developer, but this upgrade has me stumped.


  • brian4d
    Community Member

    @Corey_C, finally noticed that my Dropbox file is ".agilekeychain" and Import includes "1 Password Keychain". Sorry I didn't connect those dots earlier.

    Thanks for the encouragement to try membership storage.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Oh, great @brian4d. Did you get the import to your membership vault done properly?

  • brian4d
    Community Member

    @Corey_C, the import worked smoothly and I've switched my iPhone and iPad to use the new vault.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Fantastic @brian4d! Thanks for the update. :)

  • splinna
    Community Member

    If I could extend this thread a bit, I have the very same scenario - at least I want to. I am using the latest version of 6 purchased from the website right now on my Mac and I have 7.0.6 installed from the appstore on my iPhone and I am using dropbox for the vault shared between the two. I am keen to upgrade to 7 on the mac and want to keep using dropbox (I would purchase the stand-alone license).

    It sounds like I can in fact do this, but I will have to decline an import prompt, and the toggle an advance feature to get the plumbing hooked back up... Will this cause issues for my iOS version of the app? Will the standalone model on the mac make changes to to the existing vault that will break access on the phone? Will this method of using dropbox continue to be supported or are their plans on the horizon to force everyone into the 1Password cloud and a subscription only model?
    Sorry for the multiple questions - I really am interested in this upgrade, but it has me quite nervous about going down a path I can't return from...

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @splinna!

    It sounds like I can in fact do this...

    Indeed, you can -- and it's not anywhere as difficult as you're imagining.

    Will the standalone model on the mac make changes to to the existing vault that will break access on the phone?

    That depends: is the sync keychain you have in Dropbox called Agile Keychain? Or OPVault? If it's the latter, that's the easiest path (and no, nothing will be changed). Agile Keychain format IS being retired in 1Password 7, but the installer for 1Password 7 should convert it for you. And yes, that will break sync on your iOS device, but all you'd need to do should be re-orienting your 1Password for iOS instance to use the new OPVault instead of the now-deprecated Agile Keychain. Go to Settings > Sync > Primary and set the drop-down menu back to syncing via Dropbox -- and make sure you point it at the new OPVault file.

  • splinna
    Community Member

    Ok I am still using agile keychain. But sounds like it should be an easy switch! Thanks!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @splinna - you're quite welcome! Glad I was able to assist, and let us know if you run into any further difficulties. :)

  • dtwaldo1
    Community Member

    Ok I am an old man and I have been using DB from version 4 and most recently version 6. I was told to go to 7 since I have over 3 devices that are using 6. Now, I created a vault in 7 and I can not sync it with Dropbox anymore. I am using Mac OS 10.14.6 and the old synced file in dropbox is greyed out and will not let me select it. This is a big problem with me since I am trying to setup a SSD for backup to my iMac. I am trying to get lean and mean and all I do is have problems with 1Password. A few years back I could talk to someone with ease to get me out of trouble. I spent an our just setting up the discussion account. Wish my son who works for Apple designing chips was here to help. Please help or give me my money back for 1Password 7.

  • Henry
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dtwaldo1, can I help you get set up on a 1Password account? It makes getting your 1Password data getting happily in sync between all your devices much easier, and includes 1Password 7 for all your devices for $3/month, billed annually.

    Let me know how that sounds, and I'll be here to make it very easy :)

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