Downloading 1password 6 standalone

Community Member

I had purchased 1password 6 standalone. Reformatted my laptop and need to reinstall, but had trouble finding the 1password 6 download link now that 7 is out. Is the download still accessible? Thanks.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Go here, scroll down the page and look under Legacy Versions.


  • JadC
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2018

    Hi @bpourkazemi, here is the direct download link for 1Password 6.8.9:

  • Milton Bliss
    Milton Bliss
    Community Member

    The link stopped working. Clicking
    Latest release:
    404 Not Found


    Please fix it. I love that version.

  • Milton Bliss
    Milton Bliss
    Community Member

    Thank you. It is installed, licensed, auto-discovered Dropbox stored vault and contributing to my productivity. I suppose someday, I'll have to upgrade, but I have no idea what I would gain.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Milton Bliss - glad you were able to find the version you were looking for. As far as what you'd gain, a lot of security and usability/compatibility fixes and improvements, for one thing. Even if you feel you have no need for or interest in any of the actual new features of more-recent versions, it's never a good idea (particularly with security software) to use legacy versions that are no longer receiving development attention. They become essentially "frozen in amber," and I'm guessing you won't continue to use the same hardware (computer) you were using when the older version of 1Password you're sticking with was current. You're probably also updating your OS regularly as well as the version of browser you use. That's a literal recipe for incompatibilities -- updating everything EXCEPT one component of the system. However, you are certainly entitled to install/use any version of 1Password which you have a license for, as long as you continue to have hardware/OS/browsers on which that version will run.

  • Milton Bliss
    Milton Bliss
    Community Member

    @Lars Yes, of course your are right - new hardware new OSs. I need to allocate the time, and get it done. Is it easy? Will the new version see my Dropbox Vault ?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Milton Bliss - if you're still using an Agile Keychain for your Dropbox vault, then you'll want to switch over to the newer OPVault format, but if you're already using OPVault, then things should go quite smoothly. Let us know if you have any troubles, though! :)

  • Milton Bliss
    Milton Bliss
    Community Member

    @Lars Ok, thank you for the instructional document. When I buy a new MBP in a few months I'll move my 4 devices to the current software. Then, I'll upgrade my wife's 3 devices. Then I'll have enough experience to assist the kids to update their computers & devices. - Finally we will stop being Luddites on 1Password, but when everything is working so smooth, it is hard to make upgrading a high priority.

  • vplewis
    Community Member

    @Milton Bliss With that many upgrades, you probably want to look at 1Password Families subscriptions. hth

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Milton Bliss - couldn't agree more with @vplewis -- if you've got multiple family members, each using multiple devices (especially if you use multiple platforms among you), then I'd recommend you look into 1Password Families -- it sounds as if you're the perfect group for which it was designed. Let us know if you have any questions about it, or getting transitioned over from standalone 1Password.

  • Milton Bliss
    Milton Bliss
    Community Member

    I bought the new MacBook Pro. It is time to upgrade with Families. I'll try to follow the instructions.

  • Milton Bliss
    Milton Bliss
    Community Member

    OSX 10.14.3, iOS 12.1.2, and Windows 10 all upgraded to the account easily enough. The old vault exported, and imported easily enough. The DropBox sync file is gone. The iPad 2 with its newest supported iOS 10.3.3 is not working. Can it work? Can I put 1password v6 on the iPad, then connect to the account? How do I find an old app version in the App Store? Perhaps I'm doing this all wrong.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Milton Bliss - Sorry for the delay in my response here. Glad to hear you've got most of your setup in place. In regard to your iPad, 10.3.3 is a pretty old version of iOS. If you can, I'd suggest upgrading to iOS 12, since 1Password accounts require 1Password 7 and 1Password 7 for iOS requires iOS 12. If you're limited to 10.3.3 by the age of your iPad, then you'll be unable to use your 1Password account there, unfortunately (though of course you could still use the web app in Safari). In other words: you're not doing anything wrong.

  • Milton Bliss
    Milton Bliss
    Community Member

    I have arrived where you mentioned. "That's a literal recipe for incompatibilities -- updating everything EXCEPT one component of the system." Thank you for letting me know.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Milton Bliss - glad I could help clarify. :)

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