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I am trying to decide between 1P7 vs 1P membership. I don't feel comfortable typing my master pw

Community Member

I am trying to decide between 1P7 vs 1P membership. I don't feel comfortable typing my master password into a web browser! I am trialing 1P membership and this makes me very uncomfortable. I felt much more secure typing my master password into the 1P app which resided on my Mac. Can't you implement membership in a way that I don't have to type my master password into a web browser?
Also, why is it that I have to type my master pw in every single time I enter a password-protected website? Why can't i set it to only require my master password on log-in?

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: membership?
OS Version: 10.13.5
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I am trying to decide between 1P7 vs 1P membership. I don't feel comfortable typing my master pw


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    There's no need to use a web browser with membership, the app works fine. It just has to be set up. I am wondering what your difficulty is.

    I believe that even when using a browser to go to the work is done locally and the password is never transmitted.

    As to your last question, certainly when using the app there are a number of different settings regarding when the password is needed. As I live by myself and my computer is always at home, I have 1PW set to require master password only when I start it. But I don't know if the web browser works differently, though I would expect there to be settings.

  • JadC
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2018

    @NateS we take security very seriously and 1Password accounts were designed with that in mind. When you create your 1Password account, your secret key is derived locally and never uploaded or saved. The secret key, along with your master password, is used to locally encrypt and decrypt your data. This extra layer of security ensures that only you can encrypt, decrypt, and access your sensitive 1Password data.

    As for typing your master password into the browser, this is no different than what you would do with our native applications :smile:. That said, like Danco mentioned, you do not need to use the web client for anything other than setup and configuration if you do not want to.

    If you are interested in the exact security design of 1Password accounts, checkout this support article or, if you are feeling adventurous, our white paper here.

  • NateS
    Community Member

    Thanks for your replies, but aside the security assurance, I am still left very confused. I am not a novice 1Password user - in fact, I believe I am one of the earliest persons to ever have purchased 1Password when it first came out and was spelled something like "1Pswd" and I have used it continuously since them. So if I am confused, I am sure I am not the only one. So I will try to elaborate.

    1) Maybe part of my confusion arises out of the fact that I am trialing both 1Password7 and Password membership at the same time. Should I only be trialing one at a time or are they supposed to work together?

    2) In addition, when I say: "Why can't i set it to only require my master password on log-in?" perhaps I worded that inartfully. I am asking for assistance in restoring that setting to what it was when I was using 1Password6 and its predecessors.
    What I meant is that I no longer can find the preference which would allow me to only require the master password on log-in. Where is it? Please give me step-by-step instructions to find it.

    Thank you in advance for your further attention and reply.

  • Thanks @NateS. I'll be happy to help with those questions.

    Should I only be trialing one at a time or are they supposed to work together?

    They work together. The only way to trial 1Password 7 is with membership.

    What I meant is that I no longer can find the preference which would allow me to only require the master password on log-in. Where is it? Please give me step-by-step instructions to find it.

    We haven't made any changes to the lock settings between 1Password 6 and 1Password 7. You can find all of the lock preferences in 1Password > Preferences > Security. It sounds like you'll want to uncheck all of the options under auto-lock.

    I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


  • NateS
    Community Member

    Thanks very much, Ben. I appreciate it.
    Best wishes, Nate

  • Ben
    edited July 2018

    You're most welcome. Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist with.


    ref: TVE-12111-489

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