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Accessing information in 1P without an internet connection

Community Member

I'm just starting out with 1Password 7 and have a 30 day trial subscription. I put lots of things into 1Password, not just internet passwords, and I need to be able to access this information even without an internet connection. It was possible when using Dropbox because the vault was also on my devices and I have never had any trouble with it. Is this possible with the 1Password subscription?

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.13.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @EllenH

    It is, yes. All items are cached locally on your device with the exception of Document items. Document items that are added from a different device must be downloaded manually once before they are cached. The device that added the Document will automatically cache it.

    I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


  • EllenH
    Community Member

    Thank you, Ben. I can now proceed to update all the devices and learn the new features. I have the feeling that I'm going to have to do some reorganizing and cleaning up…

  • @EllenH,

    Great! :) If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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