Looking for generated password

This discussion was created from comments split from: 1Password 7: Where did password generator history go?.


  • xannasavin
    Community Member

    So, well, I am in the same situation... I generated a PW via Mini to use it in a program to signup (which I did a lot in the past) and now I can't find the pw nowhere. It was not connected to any page since I just used the generator on a blank tab. In the past I simply clicked on "copy latest pw" but that item is no missing.
    The PW is also no showing under "Passwords" in the app. So obviously it is lost. I really like the new style, but that's an important functionality you where removing here!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @xannasavin: The only thing we removed was the menu. The way it works under the hood is the same for now. Did you save a Login item for the site? In that case, 1Password for Mac would remove the corresponding Password item, since it would be redundant. Either way, viewing All Items and sorting by date should help you find it. Let me know.

  • xannasavin
    Community Member

    Thanks for your answer! So I am on Windows and I just opened the generator in the Browser and copied the generated password to the application (via the Button in the generator window, not just ctrl+C). But there is no entry in the password list in the 1pw application, I checked all vaults. It's like I did not use the generator...

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @xannasavin: Sure thing! Pardon my confusion then, as this is the Mac beta category of the forum I'll split you off into a separate discussion. ;)

    Can you tell me which OS, 1Password, browser, and extension versions you're using? I'm not able to reproduce it, but perhaps I'm using something different. What are the exact steps you're taking?

  • xannasavin
    Community Member

    oh sorry, I just used the thread that appeared by google search ;)
    I'm using Win7 64bit with 1PW 7 (latest) and Chrome (latest).
    I just tried again - when I open the mini PW generator in Chrome and click copy, the PW list in the 1PW main application (sorted by date) refreshes but the PW is not shown - the latest entry is still some time ago. So it seems PW's just copied from the PW generator are no more saved as it was at least with my old 1PW (I switched to the latest version just a week ago).

  • xannasavin
    Community Member

    btw, Firefox it's the same behaviour and it's independent if I am on a blank tab or a website I never saved or created a PW before.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @xannasavin: Hmm. I'm just not seeing that here, and we haven't had any other reports like that. Can you be more specific? What are the steps you're taking, and the exact OS, 1Password, browser, and extension versions you're using?

  • xannasavin
    Community Member

    Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 64bit
    1PW 7.2.576
    Chrome Version 68.0.3440.106 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)
    Extension Version

    we are on a blank tab in chrome
    1. click on 1PW extension in chrom
    2. start Password generator
    3. click on "copy" (there is no "fill" button like in the Mac extension; using 1PW 6 on Mac)
    4. PW get's copied to the clipboard
    5. filling the pw in an application outside Chrome

    The "Passwords" list in the main 1PW application (opened on a second screen) does look like it's updating but it is not storing/showing a new PW on top of the list (it's sorted by creation date).

    So in two usecases, the PW might be lost:
    1.) Filling in an application outside the browser
    2.) Filling in an registration form, the 1PW Browser extension does not recognize for some reason.

  • @xannasavin: A few things I can think of to check just in case before we dig deeper. First, could you press Ctrl + D and make sure you're in All Vaults? Password items go into your default vault for saving as a rule, so if you have a particular vault selected in the main app, might be it's saving somewhere you're not seeing. Second, and I apologize because this will sound a little silly, if you repeat your steps, then switch to a different category in the main app, then switch back to the Passwords category, do you then see a new Password item? 1Password 7 for Windows does have some trouble with refreshing when we want it to (something we're working on improving) and swapping categories will force a proper, rather than just apparent, UI refresh.

    Let me know if either of the above brings those Password items out of hiding. :+1:

  • xannasavin
    Community Member
    edited September 2018

    Hi and thanks for your reply!
    so for a) yes I am in the "all vaults" overview - also had the idea if it might be saved in a different vault then my "private" one. (is there btw a way to define the standard vault?)
    and for b) switching the categories or vaults does unfortunately not do the job - the last generated pw shown is from 3rd of September (which was before I switched to the new 1PW version).

    However, I just tried a different approach by adding the PW with the + icon in the 1PW main application. It shows the PW is saved in the vault which is connected to my account. The new PW is still not shown in "all vaults" but if I switch to that online vault the PW and also the other generated PW's are there. It looks like that vault was just not shown in "all vaults".
    So it seems the problem is solved now - sorry for the long way ><

    Thanks a lot for your help!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Aha! Thanks for the update. That makes sense. Indeed, if you hide a vault from the All Vaults view and that's also where you had 1Password set to save new items by default (Settings > Vaults) that would explain why you didn't see it. Glad you were able to get it sorted out though, and we're here if you need anything else. :)

This discussion has been closed.