iPhone app can't see Dropbox vault that exists

Community Member

Recently my desktop app lost all data. Zippo. I followed directions (https://support.1password.com/dropbox-troubleshooting/) to reset Dropbox data and KEEP DATA ON IPHONE. Was able to reconfig my first vault, but the number of records don't match. First problem.

Then I tried the steps for a second vault. Created the new vault on desktop, the vault exists in Dropbox, but back on the phone I can't map to it. Every time I choose my DropBox account, it only shows me the first vault file (grayed out b/c it's already mapped). The second one is missing. I logged out of everything on both desktop and phone and tried again. I waited 15 minutes and tried again. Still not there.

That's when I noticed the third problem: closing the 1Password desktop app and reopening - it's NOT LOCKED ?! The only way I can get it to lock is RESTART my computer.

Very frustrating over here and also - I don't want the subscription so I hope this is not intentional to push Dropbox syncers to that solution. It's not the cost, it's the added security. Thank you.

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS 10.13.6
Sync Type: DropBox
Referrer: forum-search:desktop opens unlocked


  • Hi @samanthai

    I'm sorry to hear about this trouble with syncing via Dropbox.

    Was able to reconfig my first vault, but the number of records don't match. First problem.

    Have you verified there is actually data missing, or is it possible the problem is that the count(s) are incorrect?

    Then I tried the steps for a second vault. Created the new vault on desktop, the vault exists in Dropbox, but back on the phone I can't map to it. Every time I choose my DropBox account, it only shows me the first vault file (grayed out b/c it's already mapped). The second one is missing. I logged out of everything on both desktop and phone and tried again. I waited 15 minutes and tried again. Still not there.

    What is the path and file name of each of the vaults? Do you have multiple Dropbox accounts?

    Very frustrating over here and also - I don't want the subscription so I hope this is not intentional to push Dropbox syncers to that solution. It's not the cost, it's the added security. Thank you.

    We haven't made any changes to intentionally cripple syncing via Dropbox, though syncing with our 1st party solution does undoubtedly provide a smoother experience. Also, for what it's worth, Dropbox does not provide any meaningful security benefits over 1Password.com. In fact the opposite could be argued.

    Please let me know the answers to the above questions and we'll take a look. Thanks.


  • I realized I forgot to respond to this question / comment:

    That's when I noticed the third problem: closing the 1Password desktop app and reopening - it's NOT LOCKED ?! The only way I can get it to lock is RESTART my computer.

    Please open and unlock 1Password for Mac and then check 1Password > Preferences > Security and make sure your locking preferences are set appropriately to match your expectations.


  • samanthai
    Community Member

    Hi Ben, and thank you! For the first two issues, they resolved themselves. After a few hours, the number of records in my first vault matched. Guess it just took some time. Maybe some records had files attached that slowed them down in the sync.

    I was also able to configure my second and third vaults. They just showed up in the mobile app when I tried again in a few hours. Was just disconcerting because the first vault appeared right away, so when the next two didn't it seemed like something was wrong.

    Lastly - 1Password opening without password challenge - this still unresolved. There is no setting in security preferences that would allow me to close (fully quit the program) and then reopen it w/o a password. But this still happens sporadically.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2018

    @samanthai - glad to hear your main two issues are resolved. :)

    Lastly - 1Password opening without password challenge - this still unresolved. There is no setting in security preferences that would allow me to close (fully quit the program) and then reopen it w/o a password. But this still happens sporadically.

    The setting in question is the one marked "Lock when main window is closed."

    This will lock 1Password anytime the main window closes down. When you say "fully quit," what specific steps are you taking to close 1Password? If you truly do fully quit 1Password, it will require your Master Password when you re-open. But to fully quit 1Password, you must Quit 1Password 7 Completely by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu) -- simply choosing File > Quit will not do it, nor will ⌘Q.

  • samanthai
    Community Member

    Yes, I mean fully quit. I right click on the icon in my system tray, and I choose "QUIT", see screenshot.

    1. I've had 1Password since 2013 and this action would always require a password again if I started it back up. But recently it will sporadically just open right back up - no password.
    2. By sporadic I mean not consistent. Sometimes it asks for a password as I expect; sometimes it doesn't. Not good.
    3. I noticed this behavior around the same time that my passwords went missing. One day I opened 1Password and there were no records. Zero. This is what started this whole problem to begin with. Coincidence, maybe.
    4. I'm aware of the "Lock when main window is closed" setting. I don't want that on. I've had that setting turned off from day one. The behavior of the program has changed and that's what is troubling.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yes, I mean fully quit. I right click on the icon in my system tray, and I choose "QUIT", see screenshot.

    @samanthai: If you're doing that, instead of what Lars just told you, then no, you didn't fully quit. Please read the reply he wrote to you above. You'd just be opening a window of 1Password while it's already running in that case, and it would only require your Master Password if the other auto-lock criteria had been met, or you locked it yourself. It also sounds like you have multiple copies of 1Password installed. Please check for that.

  • samanthai
    Community Member

    Thank you, I just checked and I have only one install of 1Password. As for how to quit the program, I now suspect that the differentiation of "quit" and "quit completely" might be new with v. 7. As I mentioned, the behavior changed from what I was accustomed to after five years using the program. Given that, it's not unreasonable to think it was a bug. Especially when I think I've "quit" a password database and then it doesn't ask me for my password to get back in.

    Now that I know the difference I get it, but I still think it's weird. I don't know of any other program that has two flavors of "quit". Searched the support documentation for the phrase "quit completely" - like you said, it says exactly this when you hold down Control + Option - but there was nothing I could. Also I rarely use keystrokes for options and prefer the right-click context menus... different strokes.

    Thanks all for your help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @samanthai - I'm glad we were able to explain it, and that you're (at least I think...?) set to go now. :)

  • samanthai
    Community Member

    Yes thank you Lars :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

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