1password stopped working (Mojave OSX)

Community Member


Since Mojave OSX release I have had two instances of my 1password not working, clicking safari 1p extension does nothing and clicking 1p app within the dock does nothing, its like it's just stopped responding.

The only way to fix it I have found is two log out of my mac and back in.

I have a 1p membership so app/extensions are up to date.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided



  • MarshallW
    Community Member

    I get this as well. Spinning beach ball when I've got the extension open. Look in Activity Monitor (CPU tab), search for '1Password' and it shows 1P not responding. So I have to force quit and restart 1P.

    Running 10.14 Mojave and 1P 7.2.1

  • MarshallW
    Community Member

    Just submitted a DR and got support ID [#UYR-97163-132]. Yeah, I know I shoulda started a new thread. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • telUK
    Community Member


    Not noticed the beachball when this has happened as yet, but I gather it's the same as you with 1p stops responding altogether.

  • MarshallW
    Community Member

    Just happened again. Be awesome if someone from the 1P crew would acknowledge the existence of this ticket and my DR. 😉

  • telUK
    Community Member

    Yep anyone from support could you please let us know if this is a known issue with the latest update and Mojave OSX, maybe you have a fix for the next 1p update?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @telUK - I'm sorry for the trouble! Can you please let us know what specific version of macOS you're using, and what version of 1Password for Mac, as well as how you sync your data? Thanks.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @MarshallW - given your chosen name here, plus the last name that came through with your diagnostics report, I feel like I should know you. Should I? :)

  • MarshallW
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    @Lars Yes, we've met. Matter of fact, we used to work together. Now I'm simply a paying customer with a 1P issue. ;) I gather from your response that you received my DR. Can I then assume you've looked it over and have a clue what is going on? Or sent it up the chain? Just wondering where this issue stands. Thanks!

  • billj
    Community Member

    I've experienced similar behavior on two MacBook Pro laptops running macOS 10.14.0 Mojave and 1Password 7.1.2. It's occurred on at least two occasions on each computer. Yesterday, I was in the 1Password app, started scrolling the item list, and suddenly, scrolling just stopped--and then I discovered that the entire application was "frozen." On another occasion, I was in 1Password Extension when things just stopped working. The two computers are:

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), MacBookPro11,3

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), MacBookPro11,3

    This behavior took a few days to appear after I performed a clean install of Mojave on each computer (formatted drive, installed macOS and apps from scratch, etc.). I don't believe Mojave and 1Password have been updated since the initial installation.

    For what it's worth, I've been using 1Password since 2007, and I don't remember seeing "just stops working" behavior before.

    To deal with it, I force-quit 1Password, quit all open apps, and restarted the computer. Force-quitting 1Password makes me nervous; I'm concerned about it corrupting 1Password data.)

    NOTE: the force quit dialog does NOT show "Application not responding" for 1Password. And if I click and hold on the 1Password icon in my Dock, I can choose Quit from the menu that pops up, although doing that does not actually cause 1Password to quit.

  • MarshallW
    Community Member

    @billj I didn't see the application not responding in the Force Quit dialogue box either. HOWEVER, it did appear when I opened up Activity Monitor (CPU tab) and searched for 1Password. Weird.

  • Mudflap
    Community Member

    Along those same lines ...Mojave 10.14, MacbookPro, 1Password keeps crashing and restarting. Also now finding the updater icon on the tool bar with "Failed to find the version of installed 1Password application." 1Password 7
    Version 7.2.1 (70201002)
    AgileBits Store

  • telUK
    Community Member


    Mojave 10.14 (latest)
    1p 7.2.1

    As for syncing, I'm a 1p subscriber so my sync data is somewhere in the 1p clouds.

    This issue of 1p not responding has only happened 2 times since I updated to Mojave (when it was released a month or so back)

    I can fix the issue by simply logging my user out and then back in, I noticed when I did this that the 1p docked icon bounced, as if it was loading back up.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2018

    @Mudflap - without taking a closer look at your specific setup, and just from your description, I'd say if 1Password keeps crashing and restarting and you're getting a "Failed to find the version..." error, the best thing to do would be to completely delete 1Password and re-install it:

    1. Quit 1Password 7 Completely by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu)
    2. Delete 1Password app. Don't use any app cleaners or uninstallers to do this, as these programs can remove more data than we want them to. Just drag the 1Password app to the Trash, the restart your Mac. When you restart, grab a fresh copy of the installer from our downloads page and re-install. Let us know how that works for you.

    NOTE: this will NOT affect your data, which are stored in the Library folder, so don't worry about that.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @telUK - dock bouncing is expected -- that's a function of the app launching to get the mini up and running. It will then hide itself. And to be honest with you, a couple of non-responsive periods isn't exactly that unusual. I don't mean for 1Password, I mean for ANY random Mac app. If you want to send in a diagnostics report, I'd be happy to take a look at it, but I'm not certain I'll be finding any "a-ha! THAT was it" kind of issues.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @billj - I've had a couple of instances of slow, beach-ball behavior in Mojave in general (don't think they were related to 1Password), myself. A restart has always solved it, and I frankly haven't taken the time to dive any further into it at this point, because it's only happened to me twice as well since I've been on Mojave. Regarding force-quitting, it's actually probably less risky to do to 1Password than it might be to other apps because we write out changes to the SQLite database immediately, so there's no likelihood of data being lost.

    Quitting 1Password 7 for Mac is different than it used to be in earlier versions. Because the main app and the mini are now a single process, it has to be. Previously, you could quit 1Password app in the usual way (⌘Q), but in 1Password 7 for Mac, if we allowed that command to quit 1Password, it would also quit the mini in your menubar. That would be an unintended (and for many, unwelcome) occurrence, so now, when you use File > Quit or ⌘Q, what happens is that the main app basically hides itself; this is normal, intended behavior which allows the mini to continue running. To Quit 1Password 7 Completely, you have to type ^⌥⌘Q (or hold down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu).

  • telUK
    Community Member


    Did it again this morning, this time the 1p app was not open, I was just logged in on the 1p extension in Safari.

    1p was not responding

    Tried force quit on mac but 1p was not showing in that.

    Logged out user and back in and working again.

    I know things can occasionally happen, but this seems to be becoming a common occurrence.

    If you could let me know how to send a report please?


  • dadler
    Community Member

    The following worked for me (New extension installed, but the 1Password toolbar button did nothing when clicked):

    1) Install the new 7.x extension via https://safari-extensions.apple.com/details/?id=com.agilebits.onepassword4-safari-2BUA8C4S2C
    2) Open Safari->Preferences->Extensions
    3) Uninstall any pre-existing extensions (I had a 4.x extension that was enabled, whereas the 7.x extension was disabled)
    4) Bounce Safari/1Password (may not be necessary).

    The Safari extension then began working for me properly.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @telUK - Sure, go ahead and send in a diagnostics report from your Mac:


    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the subject of your diagnostics email before sending it:


    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. I'll take a look and let you know what I find out.

    For anyone else reading, please note: this ID is for @telUK only. If you’re experiencing the same issue and need help, please ask us for your own ID.

    ref: CVZ-84947-277

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @dadler - well, definitely. If anyone has managed to install 1Password 7 for Mac while still retaining the older 4.7.30 version of Safari's extension, that's not going to work. Glad you got it sorted! :)

  • billj
    Community Member
    edited October 2018

    @Lars I do get the difference between command-Q and control-option-command-Q. What I was referring to is the Quit item in the popup that appears when you click and hold on the Dock icon of a running application. (See attached screen shot.) As it turns out, Quit in the 1Password 7.1.2 "Dock popup" does not appear to work even under normal circumstances. I'm guessing it should function the same as command-Q from the File menu. NOTE: if I click and hold on 1Password in the Dock, then hold down the option key, "Quit" changes to "Force Quit." (See second screen shot.) I did not test to see if Force Quit in the Dock popup works, however.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @billj - thanks for the clarification. :)

  • billj
    Community Member

    @Lars One more thing. As I was wrapping up after sending my previous post with the screen shots, I pressed control-option-command-L to lock 1Password 7.1.2--and got a spinning beach ball that did not go away. I finally clicked and held on the 1Password Dock icon, and instead of seeing "Quit" in the popup, I saw "Force Quit." Presumably, the top of the popup menu said "Application not responding," but I confess not to have looked. Choosing Force Quit did what it said it would: force quit 1Password. I was then presented with a dialog box asking if I wanted to report the incident to Apple. I sent the report.

    I think Mojave still has some rough edges. But I think 1Password 7.1.2 is especially susceptible to them. As I said in my initial post to this thread, I've been using 1Password since 2007, and it's never been unstable. Furthermore, I've been using 1Password 7 (licensed version, syncing via iCloud) since June 22nd--most of that time under Sierra 10.12.x--and until I upgraded to Mojave, 1Password 7 was not prone to crashing and freezing. Sure, it had some glitches, but it was not unstable. Again, I performed a clean install of Mojave and my applications, rather than install Mojave on top of Sierra.

    Would it help if I sent you a diagnostics report? If so, may I please have a code? Would you want me to prepare the report now?

  • telUK
    Community Member


    I sent a diagnostics report, cheers.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @telUK - great! One of us will be with you shortly. :)

  • telUK
    Community Member


    Any update, no worries if not checked yet.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • telUK
    Community Member


    Hi I gather that means my diagnostic report is still to be looked at, also just an update it happened again today, no response from 1p when attempting to open the app from the dock or the extension in safari.

    I'm also now on the latest Mojave 10.14.1.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @telUK - sorry, just closing the loop on this one; I know you already have seen our communication via email. :)

  • billj
    Community Member

    Two nights ago, I was adding content to a Secure Note. When I saved the note, the note field was empty and 1Password froze. Had to force quit 1Password. When I relaunched, note & content displayed properly.

    Again, I’ve been using 1Password since 2007, and until now, it has always been rock solid. Why is this happening now?

    I’m using the latest versions of 1Password 7 and Mojave.

    Sure would appreciate a response from AgileBits support.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @billj: We -- 1Password support -- have been replying to you all along in this discussion. I suspect it may be a small bug with the Markdown parser, but I haven't been able to reproduce what you're describing. We'll keep an eye out though. Anyway, glad to hear that your note is okay. :)

This discussion has been closed.