Smart Folder's "Last password change (days ago)" filter may be keying off of an items modified date
I have a Smart Filter for "All Items" (more on that later) with one criteria: Last password change (days ago) is greater than 365 days. The Smart Folder contents include a Social Security Numbers item with a very old modified date (because, how often would one normally edit that item?). When I do edit the item, it disappears from the Smart Folder, making me think that, rather than "Last password change," the criteria is perhaps really just modified date. Now, one quick fix would be to not search "All Items," but that's really just a work-around, as there might be lots of different kinds of items without passwords that might matched because of how "Last password change" seems to be doing its job.
1Password Version: 7.1.2
Extension Version: 4.7.3
OS Version: 10.13.6 (17G65)
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:smart folder last password change
@dmittman - hmmm. I'm not seeing that behavior here. We have a demo set of data that we use for, well, demos (heh), and as such, it has a bunch of items that haven't been changed in years. Setting a saved search that searches All Items for anything with a Last Password Change (days ago) greater than 365 results in most of the items being included ('cause they're old). Returning to any of them and editing something ELSE about the item - such as adding a note where previously there wasn't one - doesn't appear to affect the item's inclusion in that saved search ("Smart Folder"). Here's what mine looks like:
Is that how you have yours set?
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Yup…that's exactly how it looked. I've since changed "All Items" to "Logins" as discussed in my original note. Based on your description, I tried another test where I edited the notes of an item in my Smart Folder, and the item is still included, as expected. Hmm…now I can't reproduce the problem either, which is odd. So, I think we should mark this as resolved and I'll open another issue if I can reproduce the behavior in the future. Sorry for the wild goose chase!
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I think I may have to stop using the Smart Folder feature. There's too much weird stuff going on for my comfort. I had a "Weak Passwords" smart folder that, when I went to edit it, it crashed 1Password. So, I deleted that one, and created a new "Weak Passwords" smart folder. Now it looks like there are two different smart folder editors in 1Password. The one for "Weak Passwords" looks like it has an extra feature (a pop-up menu to select All / Any / None for "of the following are true" and a criteria menu that looks like it's displaying internal tokens for the criteria:
A different smart folder's editing pane has no "All / Any / None" pop-up menu, and this list of criteria:
Looks like I may have caused a problem by reusing a smart folder name that shipped with 1Password?
Heh…when I select File > New Smart Folder, I get the proper criteria names and the "All / Any / None" pop-up menu:
More oddities. Starting from that image immediately above, if I select "Password strength" from the criteria menu, the pop-up reverts to showing the internal tokens:
I have a headache now.
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@dmittman - I can tell you that Smart Folders are (as you probably already know) merely saved searches. They are a macOS-specific feature that we took advantage of in 1Password for Mac because we could. But that's why it only works for standalone vaults; account vaults do not have this ability because we can't duplicate these saved searches on the servers because it's a macOS feature. We would certainly like to be able to continue offering such a feature, but at this point, we would need to investigate ways to do it in a cross-platform manner that don't rely upon OS-dependent technologies, and that's just not something we've had time to nail down just yet. All of this is by way of saying that we probably aren't going to be doing a deep dive into why a feature that works only for standalone data on one platform is having odd inconsistencies, because to the extent that we have developer cycles to spare, we'd rather put them toward creating a more-robust and stable version of saved searches that works reliably everywhere. I know that doesn't help you right now, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but that's the lay of the land for the moment. 😑
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As a dev and dev manager, I understand. I've deleted my Smart Folders, and will think of them no more…