Moving from one Mac to another without merging

Community Member

At 83, my brain is a little slower. I spend 6 months on each coast. I have tried to set up a vault on a flash drive but when I want to download it to my other Mac which already has an old vault in place and I try to sync with this other Mac which has an older vault on it, all it can do is merge. What do you do when you want to replace rather than merge? Should I use another type of sync?

1Password Version: 7.1.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: folder


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @josch - what you're describing is what we colloquially refer to as "sneakernet" -- it's a way of syncing data that doesn't involve any cloud setup at all; you sync to a local folder on a USB flash drive, then use your feet to transport the data (hence: sneakernet) to the other computer, insert the flash drive, and sync it with the other device. This works if you have both devices correctly set to sync with the folder, and even then, only if not too much of the data has been changed between syncs. It's a fragile process, and all sorts of things can go wrong. Done right, it works OK...but if you're finding yourself looking for an easier way to sync your data between devices on different coasts that each get used significantly, but only for a certain period each year, then I'd recommend a membership. It does a lot of the heavy lifting for you, and since we can control both ends of the sync equation, it's got a lot of advantages.

  • josch
    Community Member

    Lars, I believe I do have a 1Pasword membership. I pay $35.88 annually for an active subscription. So, what technique should I use in transferring data first from my East Coast Mac to my travel laptop and then to my West Coast Mac?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @josch - sorry for the assumption; I figured if you were using manual sync like this, then you must not have a account. If you DO have one, then I'm wondering which files, exactly, you've been attempting to sync? accounts sync their data automatically, so you don't need to worry about it, via the servers. But your data has to be in your account's vaults. It sounds like you may have at least a local Primary vault (which is not part of your account), as well as you data. Can you tell me what the vaults you have on this Mac are? In 1Password, go to Preferences > Vaults and tell me the number of vaults you have, as well as their names? Thanks.

  • josch
    Community Member

    Does this attached image do it for you? Subscription started only recently when 1Password started subscription service. For years before that I did the flash drive transfer.

  • josch
    Community Member

    See the comment/image above. I don't think I realized that 1Password was now a purely cloud based service. Does this mean I don't have to sync when I move from coast to coast, but just open the current version of 1Password on my other computer?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    I don't think I realized that 1Password was now a purely cloud based service.

    It isn't, necessarily. Users can still opt to use a completely standalone, non-cloud setup if they prefer. However, you appear to have chosen (and you're paying for) a membership, which is definitely the best way to use 1Password these days.

    Does this mean I don't have to sync when I move from coast to coast, but just open the current version of 1Password on my other computer?

    Yep! :) That's assuming that you are signed into the same account on both devices, and that you don't have any remaining standalone vaults in either place. From your above screen-shot, I can see you have only the account vaults in this one, but you may want to check next time your on the other coast, to make sure it looks identical to the one above. Hope that's helpful -- no more sneakernet for you! :)

  • josch
    Community Member

    :) Thanks for the help.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @josch - you are quite welcome, sir. :) Glad I was able to assist.

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