I recently updated my Mac to 10.14. Do I have to upgrade to 1Password 7?

Community Member

I updated the Mac almost by mistake, rather than waiting. I'm getting crashes and things are slow, but 1Password 6 is really crawling. I bought 1Password - this is not a subscription.

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I recently updated my Mac to 10.14. Do I have to upgrade to 1Password 7?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @SteveCohen - you should be able to use 1Password 6 for Mac on Mojave pretty well; we aren't aware of anything like what you say you're experiencing. With that said, Mojave was released after 1Password 6 for Mac had entered legacy mode, so it won't be receiving any further development attention. That means if incompatibilities are found with the new operating system, now or in the future, the recommended solution is indeed likely to be to upgrade to 1Password 7 for Mac.

    Can you be a little more specific about what's not working the way you expect? First of all, have you restarted your Mac recently? If so, can you tell us what you mean by "crawling" and under what circumstances you notice slow-downs?

  • SteveCohen
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. I've restarted the Mac numerous times. I've had many freezes - many of them to the point where the only fix is to force it to power down by holding the power button. So those have been re-starts, but I've done others as well.

    As for 1Password, it's always been quick and pretty pain free. I always access it through 1Password Mini in the bar at the top. Now when I go to it, it takes a good solid minute or more of the beachball, after I put in my master password and hit 'enter'. After I do get it running, editing information within the apps gives me the beachball - not for a full minute, but that never happened at all before. The cure seems to be to quit (or force quit) Safari, or else to do a complete shutdown. I think my whole system is somewhat corrupted by the Mac update.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @SteveCohen - now I'm not sure I understand you:

    I think my whole system is somewhat corrupted by the Mac update.

    You mean by the update to macOS 10.14 (“Mojave”)? Or the 1Password update in particular? If you mean the former, that's well outside the scope of what I'm able to assist you with here. If you mean the latter, I....would be surprised, since 1Password 7 for Mac just isn't that large a part of your system. But if that's what you suspect, I'd Quit 1Password and the Mini by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu) and delete it by dragging it to the trash, then visit our downloads page and get a fresh copy of 6.8.9 (down near the bottom of the page, in the "Using and older computer?" section).

  • SteveCohen
    Community Member

    I mean by the update to Mojave. Things like that being beyond my abilities, I have someone coming to try to straighten the whole thing out. I don't believe it's a 1Password problem; it just seems that it's affecting 1Password more than it's affecting most other things.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @SteveCohen -- sounds good; keep us updated on how things go, and we're here if you need 1Password-specific help. :)

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