Multiple Vaults created when upgrading from 1Password6 license to 1Password7 membership

Community Member

After buying a 1Password7 membership and migrating my data, I have a Personal vault (in my account) and a Primary vault (On My Mac). With 1Password6, I was syncing with Dropbox. Now, the Personal vault has 732 items, and the Primary has 559. In the Personal vault there are duplicates of many (but not all) items. Using the web interface, I cannot delete the Primary vault. By the way, I also installed 1Password7 on another laptop, a desktop, and an iPhone. How do I unravel what appears to be a mess...

1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version: 7.2.1
OS Version: 10.14.1
Sync Type: Dropbox (v6), ??? (v7)


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @cep! I'm sorry for the trouble. When you migrated your data, you would have been asked at the conclusion of that process whether you wished to delete the (now redundant) Primary (standalone) vault. It sounds like you chose not to do that, which is what's resulted in having both the Personal vault (part of your 1Password account) and your older Primary vault. Unfortunately, it also sounds as if this may have been some time ago, due to the differences in item-counts between the two. When you migrate your data from Primary --> Personal, you'll have an exact copy with the same items/count. But if you then continue to use both over time, things can get a bit wooly.

    You can't use the web interface to delete your Primary vault because it's not part of your account. Signing into your account uses the data that resides on the servers at The Primary vault does not reside there, it resides only on your specific device, and that's where it must be deleted from. In 1Password 7 for Mac, if you click Preferences > Advanced, you'll see a checkbox marked "Allow creation of vaults outside 1Password accounts." Clicking this box will remove the Primary vault. However, at this point, I'd strongly recommend you look in 1Password on the Mac you use most frequently, and compare the two vaults against one another. Make absolutely certain you've captured all the data (including any recent changes since you migrated) that have been made in the Primary vault, and manually transferred them into your Personal vault. Once you're certain your Personal vault contains a complete and up-to-date copy of your data, you can un-check that box in Preferences > Advanced. Then, you can do the same on the other Mac, and on your iOS devices, you can simply delete 1Password for iOS and re-install it, then sign into your account on first-run, and you'll have the same data, everywhere, synced via your 1Password account. Fortunately, this only needs to happen once, after which everything will be in sync. Let me know if you have any questions. :)

  • cep
    Community Member

    Lars, Thanks.

    I will try and delete the Primary vault from my Mac apps (on my laptop and desktop), and remove the iOS app and reinstall it.

    Before I try that, I want to understand why I have the differences between my Personal and Primary vaults. I only had both vaults for about 4 hours, before I noticed that I was seeing duplicate entries (all vaults were being shown). At that point I figured out how to only show either the Primary or the Personal vault. So I did not create any new items in those 4 hours. But the item count is 732 and 559 for Personal and Primary vaults. When I go into the Personal vault, there are a lot of items that are duplicates. One version (of each duplicate item) has a note that says "1Password 6 Import 11-12-18", while the other version does not have that note. If I delete my Primary vault, I will have 173 duplicate items that I will need to delete... If I have to delete them manually, does it matter which version I delete - the one with the note, or the one without? Alternatively, is there a way to "start over" - to clear out my Personal vault and re-import my old Primary vault, and then delete it?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cep - I'm glad you mentioned it had only been four hours. If you didn't add or change anything in that time, then it's definitely odd that you would have a difference of more than a hundred items. The one possible explanation for that is if you had a lot of attachments in your older Primary vault. If so, those get converted to the newer Documents format, which are counted as items all on their own. Could that be the case? Switch to your Personal vault and look at Documents. How many items are there? You can click Preferences > General > Show Item Counts in Sidebar to reveal the number.

  • cep
    Community Member


    Attached are the screenshots of the counts of items in my 2 vaults...

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cep - thanks for the screenshots. Here's about where I can no longer really advise you. I can't see - and should not see - the actual contents of your vaults, but it does indeed seem like the data there is significantly dissimilar between the Primary and Personal vaults, despite you saying it's only been four hours since you added your account into 1Password 7 for Mac and migrated the data.

    What I would do is try to figure out why your Personal vault has more data in it than Primary -- what accounts for those extra hundred-plus items? If you can't figure that out, then I'd switch to the Primary vault and try to determine whether you think the data that's in Primary represents a complete and up-to-date copy of your 1Password data. If so, then it might be easiest to just trash everything in the Personal vault (and empty the trash), the use these instructions to move everything over from Primary to Personal once more, verify that the item counts are now the same, and finally delete the older Primary vault using the instructions from my previous post in this thread. Once you've done that, you'll have all of your data in your Personal vault of your account, and that account as the only vault in 1Password for Mac.

    Once you've got a good set of your data in your account, you can do the same on your other devices: reset the data in 1Password and start over. Let us know how you get on. :)

  • cep
    Community Member

    So I selected all items in my Personal vault, right-clicked and moved them to the trash, emptied the trash, and then selected all items in my Primary vault and dragged them to my (empty) Personal vault. 1Password crashed. I selected the remaining 200ish items in my Primary vault and dragged them to my Personal vault, and it crashed again. I then selected, 10 items at a time, items from my Primary vault to move them to my Personal. It crashed another 2 or 3 times in that process, before all items had been moved from my Primary vault to my Personal vault - the Primary vault was empty.

    However, in the process, 69 items disappeared! My original items count for my Primary vault was 559, but with all items moved to my Personal vault, the count was 490.

    Fortunately, on my iPhone, I was able to select my (old) Primary vault, which somehow still had all the items, copy all those items to a new account vault (temp personal), delete all the Personal vault items, empty the trash, and then, 20 items at a time, move everything from the "temp primary" vault to the Primary vault - to avoid another crash and loss of items.

    I have not yet deleted my old Primary vault (out of fear that 1Password apps on my other devices don't stop working if I do so before upgrading them all). I want to make sure I can upgrade/update my laptop and iPhone and iPad all at one sitting, and I don't have the time to do that until the weekend. I hope that process goes better than the process to date - otherwise you will have an even unhappier customer.

    I must say (and this is an understatement!) that this has been a very frustrating experience, and I am very disappointed that the "upgrade" process is not clearer and/or more robust. I truly hope, for 1Password's sake, that this is somehow unique to me, and not a chronic problem.


  • cep
    Community Member

    ...and I am now paying (forever) for this upgrade...I surely hope it was worth it!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cep - I'm sorry for the difficulties! That's certainly not the experience we want people to have when migrating from a standalone setup to a account. It's also quite rare to hear a story like this one, and it makes me wonder what might be going on with your specific setup that makes it different from the usual experience.

    If I were you, I'd visit my account in a browser, and check to make sure everything there is as you expect, and matches what the 1Password for Mac app says you have in your account. You don't want to start deleting older vaults if you're not certain of the integrity of the data you're keeping. I'd also consider restarting your Mac to get a fresh system state. I understand not wanting to delete your old Primary vault, but remember that 1Password makes and stores backups of local data, so what I'd recommend is that you click File > Backup and make a current backup of your standalone data first, then go ahead and delete the Primary vault, since it can cause confusion keeping it around. Let us know if you have any further questions or troubles.

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