Auto Fill Not Working for Subdomain

Community Member

I cannot get 1password to autofill the username and password for subdomains I have to keep typing username and copying the password and pasting it in to log into any subdomain. Real pain

I have double checked it will work in safari but not in chrome and firefox how do I get this problem fixed.


1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.14.1
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Hi @rodney_inns

    I'm sorry to hear about the trouble. It is a bit odd that you're experiencing different behavior in Safari vs the others, as we use the same logic in all of them. Do you have v4.7.3 of the extension installed in each Chrome and Firefox?


  • rodney_inns
    Community Member

    Yes those details are in my post at botton as requested when I made this post

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rodney_inns - thanks. And what 1Password extension(s) do you have installed in Safari 12?

  • rodney_inns
    Community Member

    Safari it says 7.2.1

  • rodney_inns
    Community Member

    MACOS 10.14.1
    Safari 12.0.1
    Chrome 70.0.3538.77
    Firefox 63.0.1

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rodney_inns - thanks. Can you give us an example or two of Login pages where you have to do this manual entry?

  • rodney_inns
    Community Member

    This is the main one I use I cannot think of another at this moment but I use the one above lots

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rodney_inns - hmmm, I'm not able to replicate that behavior here, though I did update my own system to 7.2.2. Please try updating 1Password to the newest version, restart Safari, and give it another go. You might also try re-saving the item manually, then seeing if it will fill. When I just tried it (using "dummy" data, of course), it filled just fine.

  • rodney_inns
    Community Member

    Ok the problem is with chrome and firefox not safari so if you are testing it in safari of course it works.

    I did what you suggested and tried again in chrome and still doesnt work

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rodney_inns,

    I believe I know what the cause is and under the old Safari extension with 1Password 6 you would also see the same behaviour. We have a number of rules in place so that the browser doesn't inject our extension into documents/frames that we really don't want to be interacting with. The rules are all related to common indicators that the URI is about adverts. If the extension isn't injected into the document/frame then there is no way to fill. The Safari App Extension is sufficiently new that we haven't migrated those rules over just yet.

    If these are subdomains under your control are they something you have the ability to alter? I do realise the answer could be technically yes but the upheaval would make it a massive pain which would be quite understandable. It's the ad1 as the subdomain that is triggering this as adverts are often hosted on subdomains such as ad, ad1-ad9 and so on. In general you really don't want 1Password even looking at a frame that loads an ad as we never want to be filling there.

  • rodney_inns
    Community Member

    Ok so what is the solution to this problem then? I cannot change the subdomain and I notice other people on the forum are able to fill in forms on subdomains so not sure this is acurate

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rodney_inns - it's not the fact of the subdomain's existence itself, it's that you've chosen (or been assigned) a subdomain that begins with the prefix ad1 - which is how probably 2/3 of the advertisement servers in existence identify themselves. As a result (as littlebobbytables said), 1Password isn't filling there because it's seen as an ad server. Unfortunately, if you're not able to change these prefixes, then you'll need to manually copy/paste into these subdomains. You could also use the newer Safari 12 and Safari App Extensions which have not yet had those rules ported over to it, so Safari will work...for a while, until those rules are in place once more. Long-term, the solution is either change those subdomains or use manual copy/paste on them.

  • rodney_inns
    Community Member

    Well why dont you ad a option into 1password so that i can exclude a page from these rules so I can use 1password to fill the forms on subdomains I want to do this on.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rodney_inns - we can certainly consider it. The general answer to that question is - as littlebobbytables said earlier - we REALLY don't want users filling anything into ad domains, it's quite likely to be a haven for phishing and malware. In general, we've got a pretty high bar for adding yet another toggle/preference/checkbox to 1Password's user-interface, but I can certainly pass along your wishes to the development team.

  • rodney_inns
    Community Member

    thanks you that would be good

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

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