No network connection

I am currently on the latest Windows 10, with no additional anti-virus software/etc. All my other applications are able to access the internet just fine -- ssh from a bash shell, 3-4 different browsers, email software, etc. Yet 1password suddenly claims there is no network connection available. Is anyone else seeing this? How can I troubleshoot this, since 1password itself does not have any further information about the problem. I've tried adding a few things to see if they synchronize to the web version, but they do not.

1Password Version: 7.2.581
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:No network connection


  • riw777
    Community Member

    I just tried adding 1password to the windows firewall to allow it permission -- which I've not had to do before, so I suspect this is not the problem -- it still says there is no connection available, and it is still not synchronizing. Is there a way to force 1password to synchronize?

  • riw777
    Community Member

    I uninstalled and reinstalled, and the problem seems to have resolved itself -- very odd -- is there a way to tell 1password to reset it's network connection if this happens in the future?

  • I'm glad it resolved, @riw777! This shouldn't be terribly common, so if you find it's happening often, let me know. I'll buy a hiccup here and there, but more consistent trouble means something is genuinely wrong. For the rare issues like this, most can be resolved by restarting the app – 1Password > Exit, then relaunch. :+1:

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