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Creating new account after deletion and cancelation of apple subscription

Community Member
edited December 2018 in Memberships

I forgot my master password and have a one year Apple subscription. 1password support recommended I canceled my apple subscription, and then you were able to delete my account.

I have now created a new account with the master password written down safely.

I uninstalled 1password completely and restarted. I now have a new trial. However, I don't see any option to "Apply Purchase to Account" under Preferences. The yearly subscription expires October 6, 2019.

Do I need to sign up for a Trial using the SAME email address that my Apple ID uses? Account Preferences then give me the option to Apply Purchase to Account? I've added and confirmed this second non-apple id email as a secondary account at

My subscription says I have 180 days, it's only been about 45.

EDIT: I created a second account using the email address I used in my AppleID and still no option to Apply Apple store purchase.

My App Store purchase, Order ID MKZKBB71XF:

Thank you,
KEF for PA

1Password Version: 7.2.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.14.2
Sync Type: antsbees


  • Hey, @phil5a! There won't be an option to apply the canceled subscription to the new account. Instead, we would need to sort out billing on our end so that you're not being charged for time you've already paid for. This isn't something we're able to handle over the forum, however, since we can't verify you as the account owner here. I see you've been in touch with Jackie about this issue via e-mail, so let's continue the conversation there to avoid any confusion. Thanks! :chuffed:

  • phil5a
    Community Member

    thank you for quick response!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

This discussion has been closed.