I have a number of 1Password on my PC and want to sort out so I can link to other devices

I was running V4 and recently upgraded to V7. I also have an online 1Password account.
I have vaults for:
1Password Account (Personal)
1Password on Dropbox
1. 1Password2.agilekeychain/config + data/default/ ....1 Password Files....
2. 1Password Vault 2.legacyagilekeychain/ config + data/default/ ....1Password Files ....
3. 1Password Vault 2.opvault/default/..Java Script Files ....

  • C:Drive (1Password/1Password4.agilekeychain/config + data/default/...1Password Files

I would like to keep the 1Password Account and the V7 on my PC. I will ultimately want to have Samsung Tablet and Phone linked.

I am confused as to what belongs and what should go.

Trust this is reasonably clear and you can assist.

1Password Version: 7.2.617
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Sorting out mess


  • Hello, @AustmanBob! Off the bat, I can tell you that the 1Password Vault 2.legacyagilekeychain isn't being used – when you upgraded to 1Password 7 and opened that vault, it was converted to the OPVault format (hence the 1Password Vault 2.opvault) and the .legacyagilekeychain is the original vault that was renamed to avoid confusion. It reasonably follows that 1Password Vault 2.opvault is likely in use as opening it in 1Password 7 is how you convert that vault. Similarly, 1Password2.agilekeychain is likely not in use since 1Password 7 doesn't support the Agile Keychain format.

    All of that said, I don't like making assumptions about your data, so I'd like to first make absolutely sure I understand what data you have where and what data you need. Give this a peek for me:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password 7.
    2. Press Ctrl + D.
    3. Take a look at the vaults here. They should have headers stating either an account name or "On this PC".
    4. I don't need your account name (this is a public forum, after all), but let me know how many vaults you have under your account and how many under "On this PC".
    5. Take a look at your data in 1Password 7 and let me know if anything is missing.

    If you still have 1Password 4 installed, take a look there as well:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password 4.
    2. Choose File > Reopen 1Password vault.
    3. Let me know the last bit of the file paths listed there, including which is checked off. They'll all say something similar to those you listed in your post. It's the 1Password.agilekeychain portion I'm interested in – I don't need the full file path.

    This will give me a better idea of what vaults you are and have been using so that I can make sure all vaults you need get imported into your account. Thanks! :chuffed:

  • AustmanBob
    Community Member

    Open and unlock 1Password 7.
    Press Ctrl + D. Take a look at the vaults here. They should have headers stating either an account name or "On this PC".

    ** 1Password Vault2.opvault - On this PC
    ** Personal - Account

    Take a look at your data in 1Password 7 and let me know if anything is missing.

    ** opvault and Personal are different and contain different data.

    If you still have 1Password 4 installed, take a look there as well:
    Open and unlock 1Password 4. Choose File > Reopen 1Password vault. Let me know the last bit of the file paths listed there, including which is checked off. They'll all say something similar to those you listed in your post. It's the 1Password.agilekeychain portion I'm interested in – I don't need the full file path.

    1. (Dropbox) 1Password2.agilekeychain ** Checked **
    2. (Documents) 1Password/1Password Vault 2.agilekeychain
    3. (Dropbox) 1Password Vault 2.opvault
    4. (Documents) 1Password/1Password Vault.agilekeychain No 2 after 1Password


  • Thanks, @AustmanBob! So, you've got yourself a bit of a project here and I'm afraid there's not a ton we can do to make it easier. 1Password2. agilekeychain, 1Password Vault 2.opvault and 1Password Vault.agilekeychain are the three standalone vaults you have on this PC and they may all be different. Plus you have your Personal vault in 1Password 7 which you mention is also different from the standalone vault you have open there. There isn't a good way to merge these together without some manual work. There are two ways you could handle this.

    First, you could open all of these vaults in 1Password 7. From there, you can sort out the things you do and don't need by auditing your items and seeing which are duplicates, which are outdated, etc. I know of a few tricks to make this as easy as possible, but it's still something that requires a time commitment.

    Alternatively, what I usually advise in these cases is to pick the vault you think is most up-to-date and stick with just that one. You can keep the other vault files somewhere easy to access so you can open them and check them for missing or updated items as needed. What's nice about this is that you're not doing a ton of work up front, but you're also not totally getting rid of any data so you're not risking losing anything permanently. Depending on how complete the vault you choose turns out to be, you may still find this is a chunk of work over time, but it allows you to spread things out and address any issues as needed rather than having to commit a bunch of time up front to tidying.

    Which you choose is totally up to you. Both work for different folks depending on what's important to you and I'd be happy to help you get ALL of those vaults in 1Password 7 so you can audit yourself, or help you get 1Password 7 set up with just one vault and leave you with instructions to get the others opened if and when you need them. Let me know what you prefer and I'll help you get things sorted. :chuffed:

  • AustmanBob
    Community Member

    Thanks BundKate. Option 2 is the path I will take, I don't want to mess up what I am currently using.
    So, I have 1Password7 on my PC from which I can see the opvault and the Personal one.

    My issue is I will be going overseas in May for around 12 months and will need to assess 1Password from other devices i.e. a Windows laptop and an android phone.
    I have looked at putting opvault on Dropbox and linking my laptop to that, or just accessing Personal from the my.password site. Which would be better? or both?

    1. Is there a need / way to make opvault and Personal the same - copy and kink (somehow)
  • AustmanBob
    Community Member

    I believe I have sorted. I synced my Dropbox on my laptop to my Dropbox account and my Personal. So all appears good in that area. Can I sync my Personal to opvault.

  • You can't sync your opvault to your Personal vault, but you can import it and then remove the OPVault from your app so you don't have duplicates. Here's what I'd do:

    1. Sign in to 1Password in your browser and create a new, empty vault. This is where we'll put the data from that standalone vault.
    2. Back in your Windows app, choose 1Password > Import.
    3. Select Agile Keychain or OPVault folder, click "select folder", then navigate to that OPVault's location and click "Select folder".
    4. Enter your vault password where indicated and choose your new vault from the dropdown asking you where to import it.
    5. Click import.

    Once you've done that, take a quick peek at that new vault and make sure the import looks okay. If it does, you can remove that OPVault from your app:

    1. Press Ctrl + D.
    2. Hover over the OPVault's name and click ... > Remove vault.

    On the laptop, you'll only need to remove the OPVault. The imported vault should sync automatically to the laptop. Let me know if you run into trouble, though.

    Finally, in case you need those old vaults while you're away, I'd create new folder on Dropbox and name it "extra vaults" or something similar. Go ahead and move those extras to that folder so they'll be on Dropbox and you can get at them while you're away. If you ever need to open one, just choose 1Password > Open vault on this PC and navigate to that vault's location. That will open it up for you and you can find what you need in that vault. Once you've located whatever was missing, Right-click it and select Share > Personal > Copy. That will copy that item over so you can remove that extra vault again preventing any clutter from piling up.

    I hope all of this makes sense, but if you have any questions, ask away. I want to make sure you're comfortable you'll be able to get at what you need when you leave. :chuffed:

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