Trouble with 2 factor authentication

Community Member

Hello there. I've been using 2 factor authentication with 1Password for many months with no problem on both my Mac and iPhone.
Today token generation on 1Password for Mac seems broken.
I tried logging in both on Linode and Coinbase, and both systems refuse the generated tokens.
I then accessed my Linode account with a scratch code, tried to generate a new code, scanned the QR-code (on my Mac) with the screenshotter, but the generated token is constantly refused.

If I use my iPhone (same 1Password account of my Mac), the generated tokens are accepted both on Coinbase and Linode.

I don't know if it's a symptom or if this is normal: if I open 1Password both on my Mac and iPhone and look at the same accounts at the same time, the generated tokens are different.

Can you help me?

1Password Version: 7.2.4 (70204000)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.2
Sync Type:


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    One time passwords for 2FA are created using the current time. So if the time on a machine is off by more than a few seconds the code will be wrong.

    I would guess that is what is happening.

    I've had this issue once or twice. What I did was (in System Preferences) turn off "get time automatically" and then turn it on again.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @francosol! I'm sorry for the trouble. @danco's answer is almost always going to be the correct one: discrepancies in the time-stamp which are based on the system time of the computer/device you're using are by far the likeliest reason for what you're describing. Let us know if danco's suggestion helped!

  • francosol
    Community Member

    Exactly! I had disabled automatic time updates because of a bug in the audio subsystem (I know it's incredible, but it's true and confirmed: and the time has been drifting since then. I resynced the time to the time server and the problem is solved.

    Thank you very much!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @francosol - yep, that will do it, every time (well, nearly every time). Glad you were able to solve it so easily! :)

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