Problems with iCloud Syncing and iOS beta

Community Member

I have 1Password on Mac, iPhone and iPad. I can successfully sync via iCloud on Mac, iPhone and iPad releases, but my iPad beta seems to be generating another sync file, so it is not syncing with the rest of my apps, and consequently, it is always out of date. I have already confirmed i Have only 1 iCloud account.

Mac version- 4.1.2.BETA-5 (412005)
iPhone version- 4.3.2
iPad version #1- 4.3.2
iPad version #2 (the one with the problem)- 4.5b26

So 1Password is working great on released versions, but not on my iPad's beta version. I have deleted and reinstalled 1Password beta, with iCloud syncing off, had restarted the iPad, etc.

Upon inspecting my Mac's Library/Mobile Documents folder I can see not one but two 1password folders. Both begin with a string of ten characters (different on both folders) followed by:


After deleting my iOS beta and then manually deleting my "~com~agilebits~beta~onepassword" folder from my Mac Library, trying to sync a new copy of 1Password iOS via iCloud will always state that there is no iCloud data to sync. (Trying to sync an existing iOS copy, after deleting that beta folder on my Mac will show an empty database).

So I believe 1Password iOS beta on iPad is creating its own iCloud data, instead of using what is already uploaded from my Mac beta and syncing great with my released versions on iPhone and iPad.

How can I make the beta iOS version sync with my "real" iCloud data?

Thanks for any help!


  • Good morning @jdonato. Great detective work! You are indeed correct that our iOS betas are using a separate iCloud container. If you'd like to sync between 1Password on your Mac and the iOS betas you can switch it to sync with the beta container in 1Password's preferences:

    Let me know how that works out for you and if there's anything else I can do to help. Thanks for being a tester!

    Michael Fey

  • jdonato
    Community Member

    Michael- Thanks for the info. Very informative and explains what I was experiencing. I was hoping I could do the reverse, mainly instruct the iOS beta to use the released container (and from what you write, I deduct I can't do that, right?). Anyway, I can deal with this scenario, just to continue beta testing. I don't want to change the release procedures so I will use Wi-Fi sync with my beta.

  • Hello @jdonato. I'm happy I was able to help! Unfortunately at this time it's not possible to let the iOS beta use the non-beta iCloud container. Good to hear that you'll be able to keep things in sync with Wi-Fi!

    Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

    Michael Fey

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