Bank logins with selected digits from passcode and saved password

Community Member

I have a bank which asks for three bits of information on login:

Page 1

  • A customer ID, which they save in a cookie so I don't need to re-enter it each time and don't save it.

Page 2

  • A passcode, which is an eight-digit number. They ask for three random digits from this code, which you select from three drop-downs.

  • A password, which is free text entry and for which I used the 1Password 4 generator, so this is a complex series of 24 letters, digits and symbols.

Whenever I get to page 2, each time I enter the password and the form auto-submits it asks if I want to save a new login, presumably because of the three passcode dropdowns, and which I presume I can't do because they'll be different the next time.

Is there a way of getting it to ignore the dropdowns somehow? I understand that 1 Password can't deal with the three random selections from the passcode, but ideally I don't want to either (a) be asked each time to save a new password or (b) stop being asked to save a new password in case I want to change it in the future.

It's an edge case, I know, but it would be great if it were possible...




  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Does this thread help? (It describes, particularly, in post #4, how to stop a site always asking to save a new login.)


  • adriantoll
    Community Member

    Hi Stephen

    Thanks for the suggestion - that's option (b) above, which I'd said I didn't want as it will stop asking to save passwords in the future. Having said that, this might actually be the answer, as I could have been conflating "save new password" with "update password". What I didn't want was for 1Password not to ask me to update my password if I change it once I've logged in, but I guess those may be two different things. I'll give it a go.



  • adriantoll
    Community Member

    Just tried this, and although it does stop the prompt to save the "new" password (i.e. the random digits in the dropdowns), it also stops offering to auto-update the current saved password if I change it. If those two things could be separated (and I haven't though through the implications of that, so I don't know whether it's feasible or not) then that would be great, as then it would effectively ignore any "new" fields, but keep the ones that are saved up to date.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @adriantoll,

    Thanks so much for providing such a detailed report here. It sounds like this site has set up a few interesting security features that could complicate things for 1Password. I'm glad to hear that you've found a solution that makes things a bit easier.

    Unfortunately, right now it is not possible to separate the save and update prompts, but I can certainly pass your thoughts along. I don't quite know what the implications of such a change would be, but I think it might have a limited usefulness, and could end up causing more confusion than it would alleviate. It sure would be nice if we could train people everywhere to use nice, strong, randomly generated passwords to keep their data safe so that these extra steps (like picking random characters from your password) were not necessary :)

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