how to stn 1p4 from Imac to Iphone 5?

Community Member

Hi ,

I've just got onboard the 1p4 bandwagon ,having previously used the older version-but cannot figure out how to sync password info from my Imac running mavericks 10.9.1 to my iphone 5 .I've been battling with this for the past few hours and really underwhelmed by the lack of simple instruction for a new user anywhere on your site ...... thanks in advance.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @patrickhamilton.

    I'm sorry you're having trouble setting up syncing with 1Password 4 on your Mac and iPhone. Had you been successfully syncing with the older version you previously used?

    Here are some guides to configuring Dropbox syncing:

    For your Mac: Sync with Dropbox

    For your iPhone: Configure your mobile devices to use your existing data file in Dropbox

    If you'd like more help with any of this please let us know.

  • patrickhamilton
    Community Member
    edited February 2014

    Hi Oversoul, I could never sync with the previous versions - so I never really used it .I really would like to use this to it's full potential .
    Why is it so difficult to sync between an Imac which is my main office machine and a Macbook Pro laptop and iphone .... it really is frustrating that you guys have gone to the trouble to create a new program , but leaving customers like my self , scratching there head with how little info there is and that info is very confusing ..... I usually subscribe to KISS principle ..... Keep It Simple Stupid ..... why is this simple request ... so hard to achieve ..... Very underwhelmed with the experience to be honest ..... now that I have paid for the upgrade - I'm now wanting to get value out of your product ..... Wny can't I simply plug in to itunes and sync my phone as I do with all my other information ..... not happy .

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @patrickhamilton,

    I'm sorry to hear that this process is frustrating you, and I'd be happy to help walk you through the set-up. We've tried to keep it as simple as possible, but I can see how it might seem a bit confusing. I do have good news though, once you get through the set-up process, syncing is completely simple and even easier than plugging your phone in: sync will happen automatically whenever you update an entry. :)

  • patrickhamilton
    Community Member
    edited February 2014

    I think it's ok now , but when I followed your instructions , the folders were merged , so I now have to edit the redundant passwords on my iphone - some are there - some are missing - now I have to manually edit them .... surely there is a better way ? Any suggestions ?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @patrickhamilton,

    I'm glad to hear that you managed to get sync working! If you were working with two separate databases and then synced things up with Dropbox, there might be some clean-up of redundant entries to do. If this process seems a bit daunting, we might be able to help speed things up a bit. Was your most up-to-date database on your Mac or your iOS device?

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