Title substring searching in 1Password mini doesn't find items

Community Member
edited March 2014 in Mac

Hi all.
I've just upgraded from 1PW 3 to version 4.
Am I doing something wrong here or is the search function less powerful than it used to be?
I have a login called "TheUniport". I used to be able to enter "uni" into the search box and it would return all results with that string anywhere in the name. Now, entering "uni" doesn't bring up any results. I have to type the name from the beginning (ie start with "the") in order for the login to be found. This is rather silly as a search of this kind should really return all logins which contain the specified search criteria anywhere in their name.

Is it me or have we taken a step back here?...


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @blindwatchmaker,

    Thank you for taking time to write about this.

    1Password mini doesn't do a fuzzy search like in the main app. 1Password mini requires that you type the beginning characters (of any word) to find items matching that search term. It won't search for substrings within the titles so, as you've discovered, uni doesn't match an item with TheUniport title.

    However, with feedback we've been getting we'll revisit this in the future to see if we can bring fuzzy searches to 1Password mini. I've added your report to our system along with the other feedback on it.

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