After one week with Android Beta

Clay Obi Levering
Clay Obi Levering
Community Member


So after a week with the Android beta let met provide my feedback:

  1. The app itself is much quicker (obviously) than the old 1Password Sync
  2. The background dropbox synchronization makes my life much, much better - thank you!
  3. The "soft-lock" with a numeral unlock makes me happy - but the User-interaction of clicking the "Unlock" icon (versus clicking the the "Go" button on my full-sized keyboard during a normal unlock) was just "odd" - maybe a "go" button on the numeric soft lock?
  4. I'm not sure "how" but maybe a widget or a timed-unlock? Maybe even if it's just part of my pull-down menu or something - not sure what I'd like to see here but I have really grown to love the OSX Menu-Bar in the new 1Password and I feel like my android could benefit from that similarity
  5. Search button from the Favorites tab. Holy crap this. It took me a bit too long to find the search button:

Back out of Favorites - Click Categories - Click All Items - Now click search.

That is all so far - thank you all for a great release, can't wait to see the rest in action!



  • Thank you for the comments and encouragement Clay! Let me respond to your points in kind:

    1. We're glad to hear this!
    2. Also great to hear.
    3. The quick unlock code is definitely intended to make things more convenient for our users. From what you're saying though, it could be more convenient if there was a "go" button on the soft keyboard. I'll mention this to our designer.
    4. We are currently looking at ways to extend 1Password functionality outside of the app itself. As Android is not quite as locked down as iOS in this regard, there are new opportunities for us here. This also poses new challenges, so careful evaluation of our options is best.
    5. I've added your comments to an ongoing discussion we are having amongst the development team regarding improving search.

    I hope you continue to enjoy using 1Password and feel free to keep the suggestions coming!

  • drwho
    Community Member

    To add to the request, it would be nice that once the quick code has been correctly entered, the screen automatically unlocks without having to hit the unlock key.

  • saad

    Thanks for your feedback @drwho. I'll pass on this request to our development team.

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