iOS and Mac - Multiple Vaults

Eduardo Martinez
Eduardo Martinez
Community Member

I have 1P for Mac with Multiple Vaults, Dropbox sync enabled. I just installed the new version for iOS and also synced it with Dropbox, it only syncs my primary Vault.

I see now that I have to setup Dropbox sync for each vault, I have 12. Thanks for that, I always can use more steps for everything.

Why is it that I can setup multiple Vaults for Mac and use one master password for I have to setup one by one for iOS?. Not very user friendly

I have a different password for each of my Vaults, after all that's what your security selling-point right? but I cannot use my ONE PASSWORD to access ALL my vaults. Come on people, it's the NAME OF YOUR APP....


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Eduardo,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write in with your thoughts on version 4.5 here. :) I'm sorry that the multiple vault a bit of work for you. Vaults were originally designed to allow users to share portions of their database with others, as well as to keep sensitive information private. For this reason, vaults have individual sync settings. Some users prefer to keep their most sensitive information secure and not on their mobile device. Personally, I have an 'archive' vault of old Logins I'm just not quite prepared to toss yet that I certainly don't want cluttering up 1Password 4 for iOS. We offer users the choice to sync the vaults that they want. It's a few steps to set up, but once it is set up, it will work just as smoothly as multiple vaults on your Mac.

    Again, I apologize for the inconvenience here, and I'd be happy to pass your feedback about vaults on to our developers.

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