Folder Name in Dropbox

Community Member

I've been satisfactorily using 1P on my PC (win7 - 1P, Mac (OS X 10.9.2 - 1P 4.4 ) and iPhone 5S (IOS 7.1.1 - 1P 4.5.1).
I had no problems with syncing, but the sync stopped on my IOS. I sync with Dropbox. I have discovered that for some reason the folder in Dropbox originally created is named 1Password 2.agilekeychain It has never been a problem before.
I have now made a wifi sync with my Mac, and I have discovered that IOS has made a new Apps folder containing a folder 1Password.agilekeychain. Obviously, any addition into Mac, doesn't appear into IOS
I understand that IOS MUST find a folder with the name 1Password.agilekeychain, but how can I change the original folder name without losing >130 data?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @karlpipp,

    I apologize for the trouble you're having here, and I'll do my best to get this sorted for you just as soon as possible. I am going to need a bit more information from you though.

    • Do you have multiple vaults enabled on your Mac or iOS?
    • Where is your most up-to-date data (on which computer or device?)

    Once I know a bit more about the situation, I'll be able to give you instructions to get this all sorted out. :)

  • karlpipp
    Community Member

    no, I don't have multiple vaults
    my most up-to-date data is on my Mac (which syncs with "1Password 2.agilekeychain")

    I have also noticed that one item is missing on my PC (and is not even the last added)

    Thanks for your help

  • karlpipp
    Community Member

    do you have anything to suggest about my question?

  • MrRooni

    Hello @karlpipp‌. Sorry for the trouble you're having. I think it would be best to reset your sync setup. Try these steps:

    1. On your iOS devices, open 1Password 4 for iOS, tap Settings > Sync > Sync Service and choose 'Disable Sync'.
    2. Go to Settings > Advanced > Erase Data.
    3. On the Mac, open 1Password 4 for Mac, and click the 1Password menu, then Preferences. Click Sync, and click Change syncing.
    4. Check the box to remove the data from Dropbox and confirm that you want to disable sync.
    5. Restart the Mac and iOS devices.
    6. On the Mac, go back to the Sync preferences, and click Dropbox. Click Choose vault, then navigate to your Dropbox folder and select Open. This will regenerate a 1Password folder in Dropbox, and that will contain a new 1Password.agilekeychain file.
    7. Allow Dropbox to fully sync.
    8. Go back into the iOS app and re-enable Dropbox sync. That should get everything on the same page for sure.

    Let me know how this works out for you and if there's anything else I can do for you.

  • karlpipp
    Community Member

    YES! Successfully completed. Thank you
    My PC is in my office, so I can't see it now.
    To sync it, I believe I should go through the same process as the IOS devices, i.e. disable sync, restart 1P, re-enable Dropbox sync.

    Thanks again

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @karlpipp‌

    On behalf of @MrRooni‌, thanks for letting us know that you're all sorted out!

    Now since we've already generated a nice new 1Password.agilekeychain file for you in Dropbox, you shouldn't have to reset sync on your office PC. Simply open 1Password and use File > Open 1Password data file to find your keychain in Dropbox (if it doesn't prompt you for your Master Password immediately.)

    This should get you all sorted out, but we're here if you have any further questions. :)

  • karlpipp
    Community Member

    PC syncs fine, glad about that.

    But I am getting mad because the Firefox extension doesn't catch the changes or the additions made either on the PC or on the IOS, or on the MAC.
    The reverse works fine: any change made on the Firefox extension is immediately aknowledged by the PC or IOS etc.

    I tried everything and anything, including remove the extension, re-install 1P, remove Dropbox.
    No idea what to do next.

    Can you help again, please?

  • karlpipp
    Community Member

    I forgot to specify that it is not working the PC Firefox extension, whilst the MAC Safari extension works perfectly well!
    Firefox 29.0

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @karlpipp‌

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with the Firefox extension on your PC. Let's try reinstalling again, but with a few extra bonus steps.

    Please follow these steps:

    • In Firefox, go to the Firefox menu (in the top left corner), select Add-ons, then click on Extensions.
    • Click the Remove button to remove the 1Password extension.
    • Follow the instructions in this help document:
    • Restart Firefox.
    • Launch 1Password and click Preferences. Select Browsers, and click the button for Install Firefox Extension.
    • Firefox should open the extension installation page.
    • Click the download button next to the Firefox icon, and follow the instructions on the new page to install the extension.

    This should get things sorted out, but if you're still having trouble, please let me know and we'll investigate further! :)

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