Usability on iPad/iPhone

Community Member

The interface is nice and clean, however, I would like the ability to zoom into a note so it takes up the full screen. Right now, the list of notes and the menus on the left side of the screen take up half the screen space and if you don't take this into account when you're typing up your notes, or converting them from an existing batch of Markdown formatted notes, you end up with text that is very difficult to read.

It would also be great to add support for additional formatting like Markdown so we can create active HTTP links, headings, tables, unordered lists, etc. in our notes. This would also mean an additional preference to open the link in 1Browser or Safari would be helpful as well.

In Safari, I was able to add bookmarks to increase and decrease font size so text on a web page wraps with larger text sizes making long articles easier to read without having to scroll back and forth for every line on the page. It would be nice if your embedded browser offered the same ability or the ability to select a minimum font size so it happens automatically on every web page that is opened.

On the iPhone, it would be helpful to allow the notes to be displayed in landscape orientation for the same reason mentioned above for the iPad version.

Is it possible to attach more than one attachment to an item? I was looking for a more in-depth user guide but all I can find is something that goes over the basics and not much more.

Overall, this is a great product and much simpler to use compared to the hoops I've previously been jumping through to keep notes, passwords, personal data, etc synchronized between my MacBook Air, iPad, and iPhone. Really looking forward to a few changes that will make this a lot friendlier to those of us with failing eyesight.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2014

    Hi @ZamboniMan‌

    Thanks so much for providing such detailed feedback here! I've passed your thoughts along to our developers - we do want to ensure that 1Password is accessible and friendly for users with less-than-hawklike vision. :)


    It would also be great to add support for additional formatting like Markdown so we can create active HTTP links, headings, tables, unordered lists, etc. in our notes.

    This is another popular feature request, and I've added a vote for you in our issue tracker!

    Is it possible to attach more than one attachment to an item? I was looking for a more in-depth user guide but all I can find is something that goes over the basics and not much more.

    I apologize for the gaps in our user guide. Our docs team is currently working to update all our support articles for 1Password 4.5's redesign. As you can imagine, it's no small task, but we'll do our best to have detailed documents ready soon!

    At this point it is not possible to add attachments via the mobile app, although you can add multiple attachments in the desktop app.

    I hope this answers your questions, but if you require anything further, we're happy to help!

  • ZamboniMan
    Community Member

    Thank you, that clears up a lot.

    I will end up using the Mac version for the majority of my editing just due to the interface being a little easier to use with the built-in OS X zoom feature.

    I only plan to use my iPad and iPhone to refer to items already stored in my vault but I could end up creating new notes when I'm out of the house. I've typically used the Notes app for on-the-fly quick notes with Siri (when she is cooperating) but I'm looking forward to using 1Password to store notes of a more sensitive nature like outlines from doctors appointments, etc.

    Thank you for the amazingly fast responses.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ZamboniMan‌

    Happy to be of some help! I'm with you, I tend to do most of my heavy editing on the desktop version as well - it's just handier. Poor Siri must be so bored with me, all she gets to do is start timers so I don't overcook dinner. :)

    Please do let us know if there are any further accessibility issues with 1Password that we can improve!

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